2.3.0 package list

Package name Version O.S. Official Type Owner
Tools: Autodetecci\u00F3n de alturas 1.0.0 all true Script
CSV Wizard 1.0.0 all true Script
Catalog 1.0.0 all true Script gvSIG Association
jCRS EPSG: version 8.8 1.0.0 all true jCRS_EPSG Antonio Falciano
Scripts: Composer tools 1.0.0 all true Script
JRE 1.8.0 win true plugin gvSIG Association
JRE 1.8.0-72 1.8.0 darwin_macos_10.11 true plugin gvSIG Association
JRE 1.8.0 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
JRE 1.8.0 lin_ubuntu_16.04 true plugin gvSIG Association
JRE 1.8.0 win true plugin gvSIG Association
JRE 1.8.0 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
3D Animation 1.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Export to annotation 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Document: Layout document plugin, version 2 2.0.86 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Document: Table 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
gvSIG Application 2.3.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Attribute editor 1.0.40 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Bing maps support 1.0.7 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Buscador Catastro (Spain)" 1.0.2 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Web Catalog Service plugin 2.0.38 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Center view to point 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Layout: insert charts 1.0.40 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Vector legend: Chart 1.0.40 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Document: Chart 1.0.40 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Complex Legend extension 1.0.42 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Default gvSIG's skin 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: CSV file format support 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Customize gvSIG installation 1.2.31 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Transformation: Event theme 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Transformation: Join 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Transforms framework 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Locator by attribute 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Derived geometries 1.0.42 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: DGN file format support 2.0.68 all true plugin gvSIG Association
downloader 1.0.36 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: dwg file format support (read-only) 2.0.59 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: DXF file format support 2.0.56 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Dyschromatopsia adaptation 1.0.37 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Portable View: editor 1.0.46 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Portable View: viewer 1.0.46 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Export framework 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Field calculator 2.0.42 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Web Gazetteer Service plugin 2.0.40 all true plugin gvSIG Association
GDAL/OGR native libraries for gvSIG 1.0.28 lin_ubuntu_16.04 true plugin gvSIG Association
GDAL/OGR native libraries for gvSIG 1.0.30 win true plugin gvSIG Association
GDAL/OGR native libraries for gvSIG 1.0.30 win true plugin gvSIG Association
GDAL/OGR native libraries for gvSIG 1.0.30 all true plugin gvSIG Association
GDAL/OGR native libraries for gvSIG 1.0.30 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
GDAL/OGR native libraries for gvSIG 1.0.30 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
GDAL/OGR native libraries for gvSIG 1.11.0 darwin_macos_10.11 true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: OGR/GML support 1.0.30 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: OGR support 1.0.30 all true plugin gvSIG Association
GeoDB 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Geometry Support (JTS) 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Geometry measurement 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses 2.2.66 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Geoprocess: base support 2.2.66 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Geoprocess: sextante algorithms 2.2.66 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Google maps support 1.0.7 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Google Street View support 1.0.7 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: GML and KML 2.1.40 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Hyperlink 1.0.39 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Internationalization support 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Add-ons manager 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Excel file format support 1.0.37 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Native preferences: mainplugin 1.0.37 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
Native preferences: mainplugin 1.0.37 win true plugin gvSIG Association
Labeling: advanced options 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Vector legend: Dot density 1.0.37 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Vector legend: Graduated symbols 1.0.37 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Vector legend: Proportional symbols 1.0.37 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Vector legend: Quantity by category 1.0.38 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Vector legend: Filter by expression 1.0.37 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: LAS file format support 1.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Linear reference system 1.0.6 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Document: Map Sheets 1.0.43 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: New layer 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: PostgreSQL support 2.0.63 all true plugin gvSIG Association
CRS: basic management (Cresques based, java) 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
CRS: CRS management (GDAL/Geotools based, Native) 2.1.56 all true plugin gvSIG Association
CRS: basic management (Proj4J based, java) 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Publish plugin 1.0.35 all true plugin gvSIG Association
R 3.2.2 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
R 3.2.3 lin_ubuntu_16.04 true plugin gvSIG Association
R 3.3.1 win true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Ecw file format support 2.2.37 lin_ubuntu_16.04 true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Ecw file format support 2.2.42 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Ecw file format support 2.2.42 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Ecw file format support 2.2.42 win true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: GDAL raster file formats support 2.2.46 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Georeferencing 2.2.36 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: MrSID file format support 2.2.41 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: MrSID file format support 2.2.41 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: MrSID file format support 2.2.41 win true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: MrSID file format support 2.2.9 lin_ubuntu_16.04 true plugin gvSIG Association
Raster base support 2.2.52 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Multi file format support 2.2.39 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: NETCDF raster format support 2.2.38 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: OpenStreetMap raster tiles support 2.2.40 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: PostGIS raster format support 2.2.12 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Principal components 2.2.41 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Reprojection support 2.2.39 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Raster mask by ROI 2.2.41 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tasseled Cap 2.2.42 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tilecache for raster services 2.2.38 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Raster tools 2.2.41 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: WCS support 2.2.43 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: WMS support 2.2.45 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: WMTS support 2.2.39 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Scripting framework 2.3.30 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Seismisc formats support 1.0.36 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Selection tools 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: DBF/SHP file format support 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: SLD (for legends and symbols) 2.0.38 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Snapping Support 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Import marker symbols tool 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Install marker symbols tool 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Animation by time 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Filter a view by time 2.0.154 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Vector editing 1.0.48 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Vector editing offset provider 1.0.10 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Vector editing symmetry provider 1.0.40 all true plugin gvSIG Association
3D View 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT lin true plugin gvSIG Association
3D View 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT lin true plugin gvSIG Association
3D View 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT lin_ubuntu_16.04 true plugin gvSIG Association
3D View 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT win true plugin gvSIG Association
3D View 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT win true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Web maps support 1.0.7 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: WFS support 2.0.48 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Symbols: INSPIRE themes 1.0.0 all true symbols gvSIG Association
Symbols: Classifica\u00E7\u00E3o e Codifica\u00E7\u00E3o Brasileira de Desastres 0.0.3 all false symbols
Translations 1.0.0 all true translations gvSIG association