Due to the packages structure of gvSIG, to make a mirror consists of keeping a copy of the gvSIG distribution binaries but also it's necessary to have the different packages to maintain the complements of that distribution. In this folder you can find the location for the different distributions where you will have the necessary files to make a complet "mirror" of that version. You can download the files of a distribution using the "wget" command. In LINUX, wget can be downloaded from the packages manager if it's not installed, and in WINDOWS you can download it from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm Once wget is installed, for downloading a complet copy of the files of a distribution you can use this command: wget -r -nc -l inf -nH -np --cut-dirs=4 -R 'index.html*' http://downloads.gvsig.org/download/gvsig-desktop/mirrors/FOLDER where you have to replace "FOLDER" by the folder with the distribution of which you want to make a "mirror" (for example: http://downloads.gvsig.org/download/gvsig-desktop/mirrors/2.0.0-2066/)