2.0.0 package list

Package name Version O.S. Official Type Owner
JDK 32bits for windows 1.6.37 win false plugin gvSIG Association
JRE 32bits for windows 1.6.26 win false plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Export to annotation 1.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
appgvSIG 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Data transformation framework 2.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin None
Document: Layout 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin gvSIG Association
Document: Table 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Transformation: Event theme 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Transformation: Join 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Web Catalog Service support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Center view to point 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
libCorePlugin 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
CRS management 2.0.0 all true plugin
CRS management 2.0.0 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
CRS management 2.0.0 win true plugin gvSIG Association
Transforms framework 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Locator by attribute 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: DWG file format support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Geometry editing 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Skin for OLPC 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin gvSIG Association
Thematic Maps generator 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin gvSIG Association
Thematic Maps viewer document 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin gvSIG Association
Export framework 1.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Field calculator 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Web Gazetteer Service client 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Normalization and geocoding plugin 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
extGeoDB 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Geometry measurement 1.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Geoprocess: basic gvSIG vectorial geoprocesses 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Geoprocess: base support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Geoprocess: sextante algorithms 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Georeferencing tools 2.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin None
Formats: GML/KML file format support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Online basic help 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Hyperlink 1.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Internationalization support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Add-ons manager 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Metadata management 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT devel true plugin
Metadata management 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin gvSIG Association
Metadata iso 19139 and NEM plugin 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin gvSIG Association
Development project wizard 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: NetCDF vectorial format support 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: New layer 1.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Normalization plugin 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Oracle Spatial/Locator connector 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
CRS: basic management (Proj4J based, java) 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Ecw file format support 2.0.0 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Ecw file format support 2.0.0 win true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Gdal file formats support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: MrSID file format support 2.0.0 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: MrSID file format support 2.0.0 win true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: NETCDF raster format support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Format: PostGIS raster format support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Raster base support 2.0.0 lin true plugin gvSIG Association
Raster base support 2.0.0 win true plugin gvSIG Association
Raster base support 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT fedora11 true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Raster tools 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: Multi file format support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tool: Raster reprojection support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: WCS support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: WMS support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: WMTS support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Scripting framework 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Selection tools 1.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
org.gvsig.sextante.app.extension 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin
org.gvsig.sextante.app.geoprocess.extension 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin
Formats: SOS Support 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Import marker symbols tool 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Install marker symbols tool 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Add a document table to the map 1.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Default icon set 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association
Tools: Time filter on a view 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT all true plugin gvSIG Association
Formats: WFS support 2.0.0 all true plugin gvSIG Association