Name cu.geocuba.gvsig.seriesmapas
Code cu.geocuba.gvsig.seriesmapas
Version 1.0.0
State final
Build 1
Owner None
Type plugin
Official false
O.S. all
Architecture all
Categories None
Description The MapSeries tool is aimed to create a collection of maps automatically, from a calculated graticule. The tool is aimed to any kind of gvSIG layout, for both raster and vectorial data.

This is gvSIG Desktop extension that adds the map series printing functionality to the layout document. Main features are:

Create a graticule for the map series
Show any of the maps created automatically
Print all or a set of the automatically created maps
Labelling of the created maps
Save the configuration to be used later
Load a graticule from a previous session

Empresa Cartografa y Soluciones Geomticas