61. Table tools

61.1. Introduction

These tools are the ones for making actions in the tables.

The tools are available from the “Table” menu and its relevant button bar. The function “Join” is also located in “Tools/Transforms/Create”.


Button bars

Let´s see all the available tools:





Export to...

To export one table

Field calculator

To make calculations with the fields of the Table

Remove join

To undo the join between two Tables

Create join

To create one join between two Tables

Remove link

To remove the link between two tables


To create one link between two tables

Add X and Y

It adds two new fields to the table with the X and Y coordinates (length and latitude). Only available for the attribute tables.

Print Table

To print the table

Start editing

To start editing one Table. Only available for alphanumeric tables.

Finish Editing

To finish editing one Table. Only available for alphanumeric tables.

Select by attributes

To make a selection by attributes

Add row

To add one row to the table

Remove row

To delete the selected row

Add column

To add one column to the Table

Rename column

To rename one field.

Remove column

To delete the selected field

Column manager

To access to the column manager

Sort ascending

To sort ascending alphabetically the table depending on the data of the selected field.

Sort descending

To sort descending alphabetically the table depending on the data of the selected field.

Find and select duplicates

It detects and selects the roww with duplicate values of the selected field.


It shows statistics of the selected field.

61.2. Join

It allows to see the join between two Tables- The join allows one to one or many to one relations. To make the join, both tables must have a common field, which it will be the joining point: the field name doesn´t need to be the same, but yes the data type.

This tool is available from the “Table” menu, “Tools/Transforms/Create” or its relevant button bar.

The interface gives the steps to make the join:

  1. Select a data store. The Table where the fields of the second table will be joined, must be selected. Click on “Next”.

  2. Select the second data store. The Table, which has the new fields to be joined to the first Table, must be selected. Click on “Next”.

  3. Select the transformation parameters:

  • Select the key of the first table. Joining field of the first table.

  • Select the key of the second table. Joining field of the second table.

  • Type a prefix for the first table. Optional. It allow to add a prefix to the fields of the first table.

  • Type a prefix for the second table. Optional. It allow to add a prefix to the fields of the second table.

  • Select the attributes to join.

Once all have been defined, click on “Next” to access to the last panel.

  1. Apply the transform. A message will appear saying that the transformation has been applied. This last panel can be different if the join is with the attribute table of one layer (which contains attributes of geometries) or if it is with alphanumeric tables.

    In the case of an attribute table, it will appear the option to load the transformation output like a new layer.

The join can be deleted with the “Remove join” tool, from the “Table” menu or its relevant button bar.

61.3. Link

It allows to create a link between two Tables. One link is a connection between tables allowing that any change in one table appears also in the other one (for instance, a selection). The related data will not be attached as in the joining case. To make the link, both tables must have a common field, which it will be the linking point: the field name doesn´t need to be the same, but yes the data type.

This tool is available from the “Table” menu or its relevant button bar.

The interface gives the steps to make the link:.

  1. Select origin table of the link. Dropdown menu with all the available tables to select. Click on “Next”.

  2. Select field to use for the link. Dropdown menu with all the available fields to select. Click on “Next”.

  3. Select table to link. Dropdown menu with all the available tables to select. Click on “Next”.

  4. Select field to use for link. Dropdown menu with all the available fields to select. Click on “Next”.

61.4. Find and select duplicates

To find and select duplicate values in one field of the Table.

This tool is available from the “Table” menu and its relevant button bar.

For using this tool, the field of the table must be selected. The tool will select automatically all the records with a value not unique; the value will be repeated in more than one record of the Table.

It will show a window with the number of different values with duplicates and the total number of duplicates.

61.5. Statistics

To get statistic values of one numeric field of the Table.

This tool is available from the “Table” menu and its relevant button bar.

For using this tool, the field of the table must be selected. It is possible to calculate statistics of all the records of one table, if there is not any selected, or of which are selected.

The interface is:

  • Statistics. Show the values of the sum, recount, media, maximum, minimum, scope, varianza, and standard deviation.

  • Export. To export these values as a table in.csv or.dbf format. If it is.csv, a new panel will appear where the user will choose the separator type: semicolon, comma or any other symbol defined by the user.

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