Catalogo de productos de gvSIG These are the search results for the query, showing results 1 to 3. extShalom Extension to manage encodings in dbf files. The user can set the encoding of dbf file/s (UTF8, LATIN1, HEBREW, etc) and gvSIG will read it from dbf's header. Useful to avoid extrange characters working with dbf files. No publisher fjp 2008-06-09T15:47:49Z Software Project gvSIG for Windows Vista This distribution is not official. It's based in gvSIG 1.1.2 (build 1045). No publisher fjp 2008-08-08T11:31:37Z Software Project extGPX Driver to read GPX files (format very used in GPS data) No publisher fjp 2011-10-13T11:48:34Z Software Project