Catalogo de productos de gvSIG These are the search results for the query, showing results 1 to 5. [···] No publisher jgalan 2008-11-13T08:20:30Z Externally Hosted File gvSIG 1.1.2 para Mac PPC 1.0 This is a hack to run the 1.1.2 version of gvSIG in Power PC computers. It haven't been tested this much, so maybe you will find problems. No publisher jgalan 2008-11-13T08:15:19Z Software Release User Reference Systems 1.0 There are users contribution to CRS catalogue with definition of references systems that are not included a the EPSG/ESRI/IAU2000 databases. No publisher jgalan 2008-11-28T11:40:18Z Software Release User Reference Systems WKT chains of CRS that are not defined at the databases of EPSG/ESRI/IAU2000 No publisher jgalan 2008-10-30T09:51:45Z Software Project Javier Galán Sánchez No publisher jgalan 2008-10-29T12:52:53Z Folder