

GvSIG's network extension calculates routes based on line vector layers loaded into the Table of Contents (ToC).


Menu bar with the network extension installed

The network functions are activated as follows:

• Load a line layer and make it the active layer.

• This activates a number of options in the Network menu, including the Generate network topology and Load network from file... tools. If a topology has previously been generated for the active layer then the Load topology from previously generated network option is also enabled.


Network menu options


Applying the network tools to layers reprojected on the fly (i.e. the CRS of the layers differ from that of the View) can cause unexpected behaviour. These include problems such as the occurrence of errors when loading turn costs, or the inability to find the nearest event because the stops do not fall within the specified tolerance (even though the display is correct).

It is therefore advisable to avoid using layers that are being reprojected on the fly. Rather reproject these layers using the Reproject geoprocessing tool prior to running any of the network tools.

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