Progress bar


When running processes that may take a considerable amount of time, a progress bar is shown.

The progress bar indicates that a process is running in the background and informs the user on the status of the process at any given moment and on how much time has elapsed since the process started.

In the image below, you can see a screenshot of the progress bar during a running process.


Progress bar component

The progress bar consists of several parts. The title indicates which process is running. Below the title, the current task that is being processed is indicated as well as the percentage of the process that has been completed.

The progress bar contains two buttons. To see more details, you can click the left button, after which the dialog is enlarged to display additional information as in the screenshot below.


Progress bar with details

The additional information includes a list of tasks that have been performed and an indication of how much time has elapsed since the process was started.


Confirmation message: are you sure you want to cancel this process?

If you want to cancel a process, you can click on the "Cancel" button on the right. A message will appear to prompt for confirmation. Clicking on the "Cancel" button does not always guarantee that the process is stopped immediately. Depending on the process, certain tasks might be needed to reverse the process and return to the previous state.

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