
Consulting tools

Herramienta de información rápida

In gvSIG, this tool is used to quickly display available information when working with a view containing visible vector layers (including WFS layers, which are vector layers).

infrapact Quick Info is enabled if vector layers are visible in the current view.

infrapdes Quick Info is disabled if no vector layers are visible in the current view.

With this tool you can select fields from vector layers visible in the current view. Information from these fields is displayed as you move the mouse cursor over the view. The tool works in combination with any other tools selected for the view.

You can access the Quick Info tool in two ways:

  1. Via the menu: View → Query → Quick Info
  2. Via the icon on the toolbar.

When the tool is selected a progress bar is displayed which shows the layers being loaded:


Progress bar for loading information

If there were no problems loading the information the Quick info field selection dialog is shown:


Dialog for the selection of fields

  1. Drop-down list for selecting vector layers. Lists the layers in the order that they appear in the TOC of the active view. The following information is shown:

Level of the Layer in the TOC: displays icons and grouping nodes tocicon containing the layer. The last icon always represents the vector layer.

Name of the layer.

Type of geometry of the layer: five types of geometry layer are supported: point, line, polygon, multipoint, and multi (the latter may contain any of the above).

  1. List of Fields. Contains three columns:
    • Selection box (checkbox): indicates whether or not to display the field information.
    • Field Type + Field Name: the field type is represented by an icon as shown in the following table:
      • iconsimp The field type is simple.
      • The field type is complex.
    • Type of field: according to the SQL types.
  2. Calculated fields. List of checkboxes to select which geometry fields to calculate. These vary depending on the geometry of the layer:
    • Point layer: point coordinates.
    • Line layer: length of the line.
    • Polygon layer: perimeter and area of ​​the polygon.
    • Multipoint layer: number of points.
    • Multi-geometry layer: any of the above; the information will vary according to the selection and the nature of the geometry.

infamar The units of length and area are displayed using the measurement units of the View.

  1. Selecting / de-selecting all the fields in the layer. Select or de-select all the fields in the layer.
  2. Sort fields. Sort fields alphabetically in ascending or descending order, or according to the internal order of the layer (default).

After selecting the fields, click Ok to enable the tool in the current view. The Quick info tool works in combination with Quick info tools for other Views. Thus, when enabled, it combines with each active View to display information. The tool settings can be changed for each View and are linked to that View.

As the cursor is moved over the geometry of a layer, the information box showing the information is displayed and/or updated. This box disappears when the cursor no longer "points" to any geometry of the layer.


Example showing the display from the Quick info tool

If there is more than one geometry adjacent to the point indicated by the cursor then information is displayed about all of them, as distinguished by the unique internal identifier of the geometry.

Thus, the information is provided in the following order:

Hiperenlace avanzado

The Advanced Hyperlink tool in this version of gvSIG significantly extends the functionality of the hyperlink tool found in version 1.1.

The tool is accessible either from the Layer menu (Layer > Advanced Hyperlink) or by clicking the icon on the toolbar.


Accessing the Hyperlink tool

Hyperlinks are configured at the layer level, which means that they can be enabled or disabled per layer. To set the hyperlink for a layer, double-click on the layer name in the TOC to open the Layer Properties and select the Hyperlink tab.

The hyperlink configuration screen looks like this:


Hyperlink Configuration

Remember that the layer's attribute table must be correctly prepared for the hyperlinks to work. To do this, edit the relevant record and insert the path to the hyperlinked file, leaving out the extension.

After the hyperlinks have been setup and enabled, select the Advanced Hyperlink tool and find the item in the View that corresponds to the record associated with the link. Click on the item and a window will open displaying the linked file.


The Advanced Hyperlink tool provides the following actions:

  1. Link to text and HTML files: the tool will open a window in gvSIG and load the linked text or HTML document into it.
  2. Link to image files: the tool will open a window in gvSIG and load the linked image into it.
  3. Link to PDF files: the tool will open a window in gvSIG and load the linked PDF document into it.
  4. Load raster layer: the tool loads the raster layer into the active View.
  5. Load vector layer: the tool loads the vector layer into the active View.
  6. Link to SVG files: the tool will open a window in gvSIG and load the linked SVG file into it.

NOTE 1: When editing the hyperlink fields in the attribute table, if a path longer than the maximum field length is entered, the path will be truncated (without warning) to the maximum field length. By default, fields are created with a maximum length of 50 characters. Fields should be defined to handle long paths when necessary, otherwise only very short paths can be stored.

For example: if we enter

C:/Documents and Settings/My documents/images/villafafila.jpg

and the maximum field length is 50 characters, the path will be truncated to:

C:/Documents and Settings/My documents/images/vill

which is not what is wanted.

NOTE 2: Please note that if the path you enter contains an image or file extension that is registered in the registry, you should not also enter it when configuring the hyperlink properties as this would be duplicating the information.

Selecting tools

Selección de elementos


This tool is enabled when one or more vector layers are active in the TOC. The tool selects all the geometries (features/elements) in the active vector layers.

The tool is accessed via the menu:


Menu location of Select All tool


Result of selection

alarama The tool is not available if the layer is being edited.


This tool is enabled when there is at least one active vector layer in the TOC.

This tool selects those geometries of the active layers that intersect the polyline defined by the user.

The tool can be accessed in two ways:


Location of the Select by polyline tool

With the tool selected, move the mouse over the View and enter a series of clicks to define the polyline. Double-click to end the polyline.


Selection using a polyline

alerta1 You can use any mouse button to define the points of the polyline, including the final point.

alerta2 If another polyline is created while holding down the Ctrl key then the geometries thus selected are added to those already selected. If, while doing this, a previously selected geometry is selected again then it will be deselected.


Result of the selection


This tool is enabled when there are one or more active vector layers in the TOC.

This tool selects geometries (features) of the active layers that intersect the circular area defined by the user.

The tool can be accessed in two ways:


Location of the Select by circle tool

In the View click the mouse at the centre of the circle and then move the mouse outwards to define the size of the circle. Click once to finish drawing the circle.


Selection using a circle

alerta3 Another circle can be defined while holding down the Ctrl key to add new geometries to those already selected. Previously selected geometries selected again in this manner will be deselected.


Result of the selection


This tool is enabled if there is at least one active vector layer in the TOC.

HerramHabilit "Select by buffer zone" tool enabled if there are active vector layers in the current View and these layers have plane coordinates.

HerramDeshabilit "Select by buffer zone" tool disabled if there are no active vector layers in the current View with plane coordinates.

This tool selects geometries of the active layers that intersect buffer zones around selected geometries.

The tool can be accessed in two ways:


Location of the Select by buffer zone tool

When the tool is selected the following configuration panel is displayed:


Configuration options

The new layers are named as follows:


Let's look at a typical example using the "Select by buffer zone" tool and four layers:

WMS Server:

Layer: PNOA

Style: Default

Format: image/png with transparency and SRS=23030


View showing the vector layers, with the Bird Protection Areas layer active

Now select the ​​bird special protection area called "Tierra de Campiñas", which belongs to Valladolid, Ávila and Salamanca. Also select the Site of Community Importance called "Montes Torozos y Páramos de Torquemada – Astudillo" in Valladolid.


View showing the vector layers, with the provinces layers active


Manual selection of one of the polygons


Make the lic41 layer active

Finally, we want to find the areas of type "lic" and "zepa" close to (up to 15 km) the selected areas so that, for example, they can be taken into account in a future second phase involving work to protect birds.


Set options for the buffer zone

The following settings have been applied:

The result is shown in the following screenshot. The buffer zones can be turned off so that the selected areas can be seen.


Result of selection by buffer zone


Result with buffer zones switched off

Click the "Show Details" button below the progress bar to show information on the steps that have been performed, including failures.

Sample output from the above process:


Sample output

Selection is applied to each active layer that meets the requirements.

If the "Multi-layer selection" option is active, then for each buffer zone selections are applied to those layers that also meet the requirements.

If the projection of the layer is not the same as that of the View, an internal reprojection is performed in order to compute the buffer zones. The projection is later restored.

A shape layer is created (one for each active layer that meets the requirements) for storing the buffer zones. The location of each new layer is shown in the line beginning "Creating temporary file".

If the "Add buffer zone layers" option is selected, then the temporary layers are created and added to the TOC, symbolised with a unique symbol and with transparency.

If an active layer is not projected, then the applied selection is discarded.

If a failure occurs, the user is alerted and the selection process is terminated.

advert If the process is cancelled, the previous selection state in the affected layers is restored.

Herramientas de transformación de datos

Crear shape de geometrías derivadas

"New layer with derived geometries" tool.

This tool allows users to generate geometries derived from points or lines in a vector layer, and to store them as a new shape layer.

Icon Description
habilitado Derived geometries tool enabled if the TOC contains at least one visible point or line vector layer that is not in edit mode.
deshabilitado Derived geometries tool disabled if the TOC does not contain any visible point or line vector layers that are not in edit mode.

The tool can be accessed from:

Via the menu: Layer / Derivative geometries


Menu path to the tool

Layer selection dialog and process

Upon choosing the tool a dialog for selecting layers is displayed:


Selecting layers and process

  1. Source Layer: drop-down list of point or line vector layers in the current View that are not in edit mode. Select a layer to be the source layer.
  2. Name of the output layer: layer name that will appear in the TOC.
  3. Path of the output layer: full path for creating the new shapefile.
  4. Type of output layer: geometry type of the new layer. This depends on the type of process chosen (See options below).
  5. Type of process: select the type of geometry generation process. This depends on the geometry of the source layer. This process is applied to the source and destination layer pair until the tool is closed.
  6. Cancel: Close the tool.
  7. OK: Opens a control panel and displays data for the selected source layer. This control panel will be associated with source and output layers until it is cancelled.
Source layer geometry type Type of process Target layer geometry type
Points Points to line Lines
Points Points to polygon Polygons
Lines Close polylines Polygons

Process Control Panel

The control panel is associated with the layer and is shown every time the layer is activated in the TOC, as long as the layer is visible and not in edit mode.

The dialog has a semi-modal behavior in order to allow the user to continue working with gvSIG by using the minimize, maximize, resize and hide buttons (use the X, not the Cancel button, to hide the dialog).


Process control panel

  1. Name of the source layer: Layer from the TOC that contains the source geometries.
  2. Name of the output layer: Name of the new derived geometry layer that will appear in the TOC.
  3. Table of features: Table showing the attributes of all the source layer's features. Source layer geometries selected in the View will also be selected in this table.
  4. Add all: Adds all the features of the source layer to the table of selected features.
  5. Remove all: Removes all features from the table of selected features.
  6. Enable snapping tool: Enables snapping tool on the source layer, without putting it into edit mode (only available in the Castilla y León extension for gvSIG 1.1.2).
  7. Add selected features: Adds only the selected features to the table.
  8. Remove selected features: Removes only the selected features from the table.
  9. Table of selected features: Table showing the attributes of all the features selected from the source layer. It has 2 extra columns:
    • Order: Order to be used when generating the new geometry from the selected features in a point source layer, or when closing polylines in the case of a line source layer. The order can be changed with buttons 10 and 11.
    • ID: Fixed ID number of the geometry in the vector layer.
  10. Move up: Moves the selected geometries up one position.
  11. Move down: Moves the selected geometries down one position.
  12. Create: Start the process of generating the derived geometries. If it doesn't already exist, a new layer is created, and the new geometries are added to this layer. The process is done in a thread, the progress of which is indicated by a progress bar.

Progress bar

The results of the completed process can be viewed by clicking on the "View Details" button. There are three types of data that are of interest here:

advert This information is recorded in the gvSIG log.

advert1 The control panel is hidden during the process but becomes visible again when the progress dialog is closed.

  1. Cancel: Closes the control panel and de-registers the associated tools, thereby terminating the tool for the specified source layer.
  2. Expand / Collapse: Changes the position of the splitter, so as to display only the table of features, only the table of selected features and associated management controls, or both halves of the control panel interface.

Control Panel Behaviour

The control panel is linked to the source layer from the time it is created until it is cancelled by clicking the cancel button.

Action GUI Element Description
Maximize max Resizes the dialog so that it fills all available space.
Minimize min Minimizes the control panel to a restore button.
Collapse ocult Control panel is hidden but remains linked to both the source and output layers. Further operations between these layers can be performed once the panel is restored.
Resize   The size of the control panel can be increased or reduced by selecting and dragging the edge of the panel.
Expand / Collapse splitter interface expand These controls are used to display only the table of source layer features, or only the table of selected features and associated management controls, or both halves of the control panel interface.
Cancel cancel Closes the tool so that is no longer available for operations between the source and output layers.

advert2 When the control panel is hidden it can be restored it by clicking on the source layer in the TOC.

advert3 If the View is closed when control panels are visible, the panels will be hidden and then restored when the View is reopened.

triang Geometries derived from points do not retain any attribute values but do maintain the columns. Those derived from lines, keep all attributes.

triang2 Removing the new layer associated with control panel will result in the tool being ended and a warning being displayed to the user.


This example will show how to generate a line layer showing the path followed from home to work, and back again. The example uses the following four shape layers:

Once all four layers have been loaded the "Derived Geometries" tool can be selected and the following values entered:

When "OK" is clicked the new process control panel appears. If a file with the same name as the new output layer already exists then the user is asked whether to continue or not. If yes, then the file will be overwritten.


Warning of an existing layer

Minimizing the control panel will reveal the View:


View showing the layers

The geometries can be selected from the top table in the control panel.

We select the first seven geometry points (1st route: work to home).


Selected geometries

Click "Create" to generate the first path:


Resulting route generated by the "Points to line" process

Modify the symbology so that the route stands out as a thick line.

To generate the route back, activate the control panel and select the remaining points from the source layer so that the line can be generated:


Selected geometries


Resulting new route

Finally suppose we are interested in the polygon formed by the closure of the routes.

Cancel the tool and then reopen it but this time use the new layer as the source:


Process "close polylines"

Select all the geometries (the two polylines) and generate the polygons.


Selected geometries

Since the layer "Route: Work to Home" does not contain data due to the points to line process, we assign a distinguishing identifier to each by editing the layer.

Now apply some changes to the symbolology:


Results of the polygons generated by the "Close polylines" process

Imprimir vista sobre una plantilla

Wizard to print the active View using a template

Adds the ability to print a View using a wizard, which can change basic parameters (title, page size, etc). This option is accessible through the menu View/Quick Print.


Print Config

You can set:

The result looks something like this:


Final result

You can print directly from the wizard, or first preview the result (as shown in the screenshot) and then print from this preview. It is also possible to modify any element in the preview (the width of the map, layers displayed in the legend, etc.) in the same way as amending any Map document in gvSIG.

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