Module commonsdialog reference


Module commonsdialog

Window message, msgbox

Shows window message with acept button only.

msgbox(message [, title, messageType])
  • msgbox(message [, title, messageType])
    • param message: Text to show
    • type message: string
    • param title (optional): Window title.
    • type title: string
    • messageType, integer [FORBIDEN| IDEA| WARNING| QUESTION]: Show window icon to emphasize message. Reconized constant values
      • FORBIDEN: Forbiden symbol
      • IDEA: Lamp symbol
      • WARNING: Warning symbol
      • QUESTION: question symbol
Confirm window, confirmDialog

Shows a message to the user to choose one option

confirmDialog(message, [title, optionType, messageType])
  • confirmDialog(message, [title, optionType, messageType])
    • param message: Text to show
    • type message: string
    • param title (optional): Window title.
    • type title: string
    • optionType, integer [YES_NO | YES_NO_CANCEL | ACEPT_CANCEL] (optional): Buttons to show
      • YES_NO: Yes/no buttons.
      • YES_NO_CANCEL: yes/no/cancel buttons.
      • ACEPT_CANCEL: accept/cancel buttons.
    • type messageType: integer
    • param messageType [FORBIDEN | IDEA | WARNING | QUESTION] (optional): Show window icon to emphasize message.
      • FORBIDEN: Forbiden symbol
      • IDEA: Lamp symbol
      • WARNING: Warning symbol
      • QUESTION: question symbol
Input window , inputbox

Displays an input box to ask the user to enter a string

inputbox(message, [title, messageType, initialValue])
  • inputbox(message, [title, messageType, initialValue])
    • param message: Text to show
    • type message: string
    • param title (optional): Window title.
    • type messageType: integer
    • param messageType [FORBIDEN | IDEA | WARNING | QUESTION] (optional): Show window icon to emphasize message.
      • FORBIDEN: Forbiden symbol
      • IDEA: Lamp symbol
      • WARNING: Warning symbol
      • QUESTION: question symbol
    • param initialValue: Initial text to show in the text area
    • type initialValue: string

Module gvsig reference

gvSIG Documents reference

class Project

Represents a gvSIG project

class View

Represents gvSIG view document

class Table

Represents gvsig TableDocument It is able to manage its own data set

class Layer

Represents gvsig view layer . It is also is able to manage its own data set

Documents util Functions

Vectorial data reference

class Table

Represents gvsig TableDocument It is able to manage its own data set

class Layer

Represents gvsig view layer . Also is able to manage its own data set

class FeatureSet

Return Layer/Table set of features

class Feature

Represents layer/table feature data

class Schema

Layer/table feature definition

Vectorial data util functions

Simbology reference


Simple symbology simbols

Module geom reference



To get more information about Geometry methods see Geometry javadoc

Commons geometries methods

Interface Geometry: This interface is equivalent to the GM_Object specified in ISO 19107. A geometric object shall be a combination of a coordinate geometry and a coordinate reference system.

Geometry types


This interface is equivalent to the GM_Point specified in ISO 19107. It is one of the basic data type for a geometric object consisting of one and only one point. They do not have volume, area, length, or any other higher-dimensional analogue.

  • getX(): Returns the X coordinate
  • getY(): Returns the Y coordinate
  • getCoordinateAt(dimension): Gets the coordinate in a concrete dimension
    • param dimension: Dimension coordinate to get
    • type dimension: integer
    • allowed values: 0=X, 1=Y, 2=Z
  • setX(value): Sets the X coordinate
    • param value: Value of the dimension X
    • type value: double
  • setY(value): Sets the Y coordinate
    • param value: Value of the dimension Y
    • type value: double
  • setCoordinateAt(dimension, value): Sets a ordinate in a concrete dimension
    • param dimension: Dimension coordinate to set
    • type dimension: integer
    • param value: Value of the dimension
    • type value: double

This interface is equivalent to the GM_OrientableCurve specified in ISO 19107. Curves are continuous, connected, and have a measurable length in terms of the coordinate system.

  • addVertex(point): Adds a vertex to the curve
    • param point: Point to addLayer
    • type: Point
  • getNumVertices(): Gets the number of vertex of the curve
  • getVertex(index): Gets a vertex
    • param index: Geometry vertex index
    • type index: integer

This interface is equivalent to the GM_Surface specified in ISO 19107. This is the basis for 2-dimensional geometry

  • addVertex(point): Adds a vertex to the curve
    • param point: Point to addLayer
    • type: Point
  • getNumVertices(): Gets the number of vertex of the curve
  • getVertex(index): Gets a vertex
    • param index: Geometry vertex index
    • type index: integer
  • getSurfaceAppearance(): Gets surface appearance
  • setSurfaceAppearance(appearance): Sets surface appearance

This interface is equivalent to the GM_Aggregate specified in ISO 19107

  • getPrimitiveAt(int i): Returns one of the Primitive's that is in a concrete position. - param i: geometry position - type i: integer
  • getPrimitivesNumber(): Returns the number of Primitive's that composes this multi geometry.
Geometry util functions
  • createGeometry(type[, subtype]): Create a new geometry with a concrete type and subtype
    • param type: geometry type
    • type type: integer
    • param subtype: (Optional) geometry subtype
    • type type: integer
    • return: geometry
    • rtype: Geometry
  • createPoint([x][, y][, subtype]): Create a new point with a subtype dimensions and sets the value for 'X' and 'Y' coordinates. If is used without parameters will return new Point2D with (0,0) coordinates
    • param x:(Optional) X coordinate value
    • type x: double
    • param y:(Optional) Y coordinate value
    • type y: double
    • param subtype: (Optional) geometry dimensions
    • type: integer
    • return: Point
    • rtype: Point
  • createMultiPoint(points[, subtype]): Create a new multipoint with a subtype from a list values of X and Y like ([x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...., [xn, yn])
    • param points: list of tuples with X and Y values
    • type points: list
    • param subtype: (Optional) geometry dimensions
    • type: integer
    • return: multipoint
    • rtype: multipoint