gvSIG Project

Webinar "Introducing gvSIG Desktop version 2 (in English)" (23 September 2013)

Presentation, and questions and answers of the chat

Webinar "Geoprocessamento Avançado com gvSIG" in Portuguese (12 September 2013)

Presentation, exercises and cartography


Webinar "Geoprocesamiento avanzado en gvSIG" (3-September-2013)

Presentation, exercises and cartography

Webinar "All about the gvSIG Project" (12-August-2013)


Webinar "gvSIG Desktop 2.0 em Português" (24-July-2013)

Webinar "gvSIG Desktop 2.0" (7-May-2013)


Webinar "gvSIG aplicado a Gestión Mpal. y Explotación de Infr. Urbanas" (26-February-2013)

 Webinar "gvSIG - Trabajando con el SIG Libre" (16-August-2012)



 Webinar "Know all about gvSIG"  (12-July-2012)


 Webinar "Sepa todo acerca de gvSIG e IDEs" (26-June-2012)








 Creating views ()


Basic view tools ()


 Reprojecting vector layers ()






Symbology and Labelling


Symbology (expressions, intervals) ()


Advanced symbology - Part one ()


Advanced symbology - Part two () 


Labelling (lines, points) () 


 Advanced labelling ()


 Pie and bar chart legends ()

 Annotation Layer ()






Spatial Data Infrastructure


Spatial Data Infrastructure ()

WMS service ()


WFS service ()


WCS service ()


Catalogue client ()


Publishing extension ()







Creating layouts ()


Creating a layout using a template ()


Adding elements into a map and exporting to PDF ()





Tables, Hyperlink and Event layer


Joining tables and density legends ()


Hyperlinks ()


Event layer ()


 NavTable () 


Add consecutive numbers and find duplicate records () 







Georeferencing ()


Raster reprojection ()


Vectorization () 


Basic raster tools () 

Raster transparency in gvSIG for regions of interest (gvSIG 1.x) ()  






Editing and Geoprocessing


Basic editing ()


Advanced editing ()


Geoprocessing ()


 Copy/paste geometries, lateral buffer and split line () 





Advanced geoprocessing

Advanced geoprocessing

Webinar "Geoprocesamiento avanzado en gvSIG" (3 September 2013)

Presentation, exercises and cartography








The parameters window  


The output region tab  


The output region tab (II)  


The output region tab (III)


The output region tab (IV)


Running algorithms on selected features  


Output channels


The results manager


Output tables  


SEXTANTE settings







Catch coordinates  


The history manager  


The graphical modeler  


Add inputs to a model


Add algorithms to a model


Save a model


Editing a model


The data explorer


Context help


Batch processing







Bands and fields  


Executing algorithms iteratively  


Numerical values  


Raster calculator


Field calculator


Non-spatial calculator


Basic raster operations


The command-line interface (I)


The command-line interface (II)


The command-line interface (III)





gvSIG 3D


Creating an animation () 


3D simbology and labelling () 


Loading a DEM and a WMS layer on a flat view ()


Loading raster and vector layers on a spherical view ()


Virtual flight over the city of Valencia viewing different 3D models ()


Virtual flight over the city of Valencia with stereoscopic vision () 


Layers of 3D objects ()


Digital models of elevation ()


Extrusión ()  







Topology and shortest path between stops ()


Calculating paths from an accident point to the nearest hospital ()







LiDAR project manager ()


Quality Control (I) ()


Quality Control (II) ()






Loading scripts in gvSIG 2.0 from the repository ()

Webinar 'Scripting en gvSIG 2.0' (11/03/2013) 


gvSIG Scripting: Buffer (, subtitles in different languages)







Normalization of geonames data ()





Other functionalities


 User manual ()


 Add-ons manager () 





More videos about gvSIG


There are a lot of web pages with videos about the application, most of them created by users of the gvSIG Community, for example: