10. View interface

10.1. View Interface

The Views are the gvSIG document that constitute the main working area of the geographical information. In a view you can display different layers of information (hydrography, road networks, administrative boundaries, contours, etc.).

When you open a View from the project manager, a new window composed of the following sections appears:

  1. Menu toolbar.

  2. Buttons bar.

  3. Table of contents (ToC): All the layers containing in the View and the Legend representing the simbology of each layer are listed.

  4. Locator. Displays the current frame in the total work area.

  5. Visualization area. Workspace where the geographical information is displayed and the main work is taken place (navigation, selection, edition, etc.).

  6. Status Bar. Displays information of the View coordinate system, scale, coordinates and units. The information resulting from the use of certain tools is shown in the status bar.

The 3, 4 and 5 components are resizables, dragging its edge to the right/left and for the Locator and the TOC from up/down.