46. SextanteΒΆ

46.1. Introduction

Sextante is an opensource library of all the algorithms grouped in different blocks. It is integrated within the gvSIG toolbox.

  • 3D

  • Basic hidrologycal analysis

  • Basic tools for raster layers

  • Buffers

  • Calculus tools for raster layer

  • Costs, distances and routes

  • Development

  • Fire modeling

  • Focal statistics

  • Fuzzy logic

  • Geomorphometry and terrain analysis

  • Geosocial

  • Geostatistics

  • Image processing

  • Indices and other hydrological parameters

  • localiza

  • Local statistics

  • Location/allocation

  • Non-spatial

  • Pattern analysis

  • Profiles

  • Raster categories analysis

  • Raster creation tools

  • Rasterization and interopolation

  • Raster layer analysis

  • Reclassify raster layers

  • Statistical methods

  • Table tools

  • TIN

  • Tools for line layers

  • Tools for point layers

  • Tools for polygon layers

  • Tools for vector layers

  • Topology

  • Vectorization

  • Vegetation indices

  • Visibility and lighting

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