58. Document Table

58.1. Table’s properties

We can Access table’s properties configuration window by:

  • In a document table opened, in menu “table/properties”

  • From the “Project manager” with the table selected, clicking on button “properties”

Menu (Document Table)

Button (Project Manager)

Table’s properties configuration window options are:

  1. Table’s identification fields. Allow change name, creation date, owner, language and comments.

  2. Columns properties.

  • “...”. Checkbox that allow choose show/hide one field of the table. By default all fields are visible, except field “Geometry”. Field “Geometry” contains coordinates that integrate a geometry; set it visible can slow down the operation of the table.

  • Name. Name of the field. Not modifiable.

  • Alias. Allow set an alias to a field. With double click on a cell we can change it’s alias.

  • Type. Indicates field’s type: boolean, date, integer, double, string. Not modifiable.

  • Size. Number of characters allowed. Not modifiable.

  • Precision. Number of decimals (to numerical fields). Not modifiable.

  • Pattern. Format of numerical data visualization. With double click on a cell we can chnage the format.