18.1. Introduction

A label is the text which describes one or more attributes. The labels are located over or close to the elements of one layer, according to the labelling characteristics defined by the user, as well to the changes of the View. The labels can not be modified by the user directly.

Labelling can be defined, activate or deactivate from the “Labelling” tab in the “Properties” window of the layer.

To activate/deactivate the labelling, we have to enable/disable the “Enable labelling” space.

Once the labelling had been defined, even when is disabled, the memory will keep the characteristics, so the user will not need to define them, each time the user wants to show the labels.

There are two different main types of labelling in gvSIG:

18.2. Basic labelling. Label attributes defined by table.

The labelling can be defined quickly and based on the data of the attibute table.

The interface contains:

  1. Dropdown with the two labelling types. Select “Label attributes defined by table”

  2. Labelling parameters:

  1. Font properties:

When this is enabled, many labels as possible will be created, without overlapping, within the space available in the View.

18.3. Advanced labelling. Label features in the same way.

It applies the defined labelling to all the features of the layer.

The interface contains:

  1. Select from the dropdown the option “User defined labels”.

  2. Select from the dropdown “Label features in the same way”. It will show the different options for this labelling.

  1. Properties. New window to set up the characteristics of the labelling.

  2. Options. New dialogue screen to set up the characteristics of the visualization and placement of the labelling.

  3. Preview. “Enable layer preview” shows a preview of the final result for the labelling.

For more information see “Advanced labelling. Common options”

18.4. Advanced labels. Label only when feature is selected.

It applies the defined labelling only when the features are selected in he View.

This labelling is more dinamic, if the features selection changes, the labels for that new selection will be drawn automatically.

The interface is the same than the previous one.

18.5. Advanced labelling. Define classes of features and label each differently.

With this option is possile to create different labelling types with the “Add button”, give them priority of visualization (“Move up/Move down”) and label them separately.

To set up the properties, double click on the labelling row to define. “Label class properties” window will open.

For more information see “Advanced labelling. Common options”

18.6. Advanced labelling. Define classes of features and label each differently. Labelling by scale.

For more information see “Advanced labelling. Common options”.

18.7. Advanced labelling . Opciones comunes.


To set up the labelling properties. This dialogue screen is available in all the manual labelling methods.

The interface contains:

  1. Options to set up the format and the font of the labelling.

  1. To define the labelling expression. Clicking on “...” a new window will open to set up the labelling expression.

  2. To create SQL sequencies to apply filters to the features for the different labelling types.

  3. To select a background style (image) for the labelling. “Symbol selector” window will open. In “gvSIG Basic” library there are some to be used or the user can create its labels.

    Selecting one image and clicking “Properties”, a new window will open to indicate the label ubication referred to the image.

    Clicking on “A+” the area rectangle to be used for the label or labels will be set up.

  4. Preview area of the defined label.

It is not possible to put as a background style a line layer if the option choosen is “represents the sign following the line”


To set up the properties of the labelling placement: location, orientation, duplication,...

The options of “Placement properties” will change depending on the layer geometry (points, lines or polygons). In the case of multigeometric layers (dwg, dxf, gml,...) the interface contains a tab for each type of geometry: points, lines, polygons.

For the dot layers the interface is:

The interface for a line layer is:

For polygon layer the interface is:


To set up the display scale range of the labels.

It is possible to use the same scale range specified for the labels (“General” tab in layer properties or specify a range only to be applied for the labels).

Label overlapping

If this is enabled, all the labels will be drawn, even if they overlap. If this is not checked, the labels will be drawn without ovelap, and can not showw all existing ones.