38.1.Save View to georeferenced raster

It allows to export the view as a image in georeferenced tiff format.
Available from the export raster bar button

When launching the tool we are shown a first message indicating that you must select the area of the View to export. Click the mouse on the first point and drag and drop in the second; the rectangle that will contain the Vista area to be saved is defined. Once the area is defined, a window with the tool options will be displayed.

The interface is as follows:

Depending on the size of the output image, this process can be very long, so it is recommendable to control the output image pixel size . When the process is finished, it will appear a table with statistics showing the path of the image that has been saved, the disk size of the output image, the duration of the process and if the image is compressed or not.

38.2. Save as

It allows the change of a raster format.

Available in the "Layer / Export to ..." menu in the export raster bar button raster and the geoprocessing toolbox

The interface is as follows:

38.3. Clipping

It allows to generate a new layer as a raster cut, varying the extension, the level of resolution, order and number of bands of the resulting layer.

Available in the "Layer / Export to ..." menu in the export raster bar button raster and the geoprocessing toolbox

The interface is as follows:

38.4. Change data type

Allows to change the data type of a raster.

Available from the export raster bar button and the geoprocessing toolbox.

The interface is as follows:

38.5. Export View to image

Export the frame of the view to an image. Allows to select from four output formats: bmp, png, jpg and tif.

Available from the "View / Export" from the menu and from export raster button bar .