60.1. Introduction

There are two ways to add a table of gvSIG:

Open the attribute table of a layer. From a active layer of a view, clicking on button “Show attribute table” or in menu “Layer/show attribute table”.



  1. Add a new table from “Projects Manager”:

    1. Select the table icon.

    2. Click on button “New”. The window to add the table is opened, allowing select database source “File” or “DB” (database).

    1. With button “Delete” of Project Manager the selected tables are eliminated.

    2. With the button “Open” of Project Manager the selected tables are opened.

60.2. Add a file

In “File” tab, if we click on button “Add” will open a new window that allow us to navigate to the file we want to add.

Added the file we’ll see how it’s listed. To modify load parameters of the table we need to select the layer on the list and click the button “Properties”.

A new window with two tabs will be opened: “Basic” and “Advanced”. The property that can be more useful from all to the correct visualization of the data are “Encoding” and “locale”.

Clicking “OK” the tables will be added to the project.

60.3. Add a database

Allow access to user to databases in a simple and unified way to different providers.

gvSIG will store different connections that are been made in different sessions. This manner it’s not necessary introduce again parameters of each server to what we’ll connect. Same way, if we open a project file that have one database connection will be just asked us the password.

The steps to add a table of a DB are:

60.4. Add a CSV file

AllowThis type of file can be opened as a table (from the document table) or layer (from the document view).

To add it as table, being in the "File" tab, click the "Add" button and a new window will be shown that allow us to navigate until the CSV file we want to add.

To add it as layer, being in a view, click the "Add layer" tool and inside the window that opens choose the "Add" button. A new window will appear that allows us to navigate to the CSV file you want to add.

This format type can be properly displayed or not based on parameters series that need to be defined. To define these parameters the table must have been selected from the list and press the "Properties" button. It will open an importer (wizard) that will guide us in the definition of such parameters.

The importer has two main tabs:

The parameters that are displayed are:

The geometry tab allows you to define values for X, Y, Z that contains the CSV and add it as a layer. The needed columns to add the layer are the X and Y ones.