74.1. Introduction

The Charts are the gvSIG documents for definying one or more plots. One Chart Document can have a determined number of plots.

It is possible to create a chart from the attribute table of one layer or from an alphanumeric Table.

Supported charts by gvSIG:





The pie chart or circle chart is one circle divided into two or more sections. The pie charts show relations between the parts and the total, and are useful for proportions and relations.


The bars chart has two or more parallel rectangles, each of them represents an attribute value- These charts are useful to compare quantities or to show trends. Tha bars can be orientated horizontally or vertically


The XY chart or linear graph has one or more lines, which connect values of succesive attributes. The linear graphs are useful for showing trends in values within a continuous scale. The lines can be orientated horizontally or vertically.


To create plots with temporary data.

The Chart tools are available from the Chart“ menu and their relevant button bars.


Button bars

Let´s see all the available tools:





Create plot

To create a new plot in one Chart document.

Edit plot

To edit the properties of one plot in one Chart document.

Export to PDF

To export a Chart document to PDF.

Export to PNG

To export a Chart document to PDF.

74.2. Create Charts

To create Charts in a gvSIG project, from the “Project manager”:

  1. Select the Charts icon.

  2. Click on “New”.The Chart document will open as an empty document where new plots can be added.

By default the new Chart document will be called “Untitled”. It is possible to change the name, clicking on “Rename” in the “Project manager” (having the Chart document selected). A dialog screen will open for typing the new name:

With “Delete” button oft the Project manager the selected charts will be deleted.

With ”Open” button of the Project manager the selected charts will open.

74.3. Create plot

To add a new plot in the Chart document. One Chart Document can have a determined number of plots.

This tool is available from the “Chart“ menu, in its relevant button bar and with the “Create Plot” in the window “Chart Properties”.

The interface shows the steps to follow for definiyng the chart parameters:

  1. Chart rendered types. It defines the type of chart for representing the data. In each type is possible to define the different characteristics to adapt the charts to the data.

Once all has been set up, click on “Next”.

  1. Data origin. It sets the relation between the data and the axis of the plot.

Click on “Next”.

  1. Chart format. To define the format of the different elemnents of the Chart.

Once all has been set up, click on “Accept” and the plot will be shown in the Chart document.

Clicking on “Create plot” again, we can make a new plot and combine it with the existent one.

74.4. Edit plots. Properties.

To edit the properties of the Chart document.

This tool is available from the “Chart“ menu, in its relevant button bar and in the “Properties” button of the “Project Manager/Charts”.

The interface is:

  1. Chart preview. It is a preview of the plot to insert in the Chart document.

  2. Chart variables. Table with all the created plots. It is possible to:




    Create plot

    To create a new plot

    Edit plot

    To edit a plot, The “Create plot” window will be open and it is possible to change its characteristics. The plot to edit must be selected in the table.

    Delete plot

    To delete a plot. The plot to delete must be selected in the table.

  3. Up/Down. It allows to sort the viewing of the different plots. The variables will be painted according to this classification.

  4. Advanced configuration. It opens a new window for editing the general characteristics of the document:

  5. Title. To add a title to the Chart document and configure its characteristics.

  6. Plot. To configure the characteristics of the Chart document (background, messages and area).

  7. Legend. To define the characteristics of the legend.