75.1. Introduction

Its aim is to enable a process automation for the maps publishing services, trying to obtain results as true as possible to the original work made in our gvSIG.

The “Publish extension” is available for downloading in the “Addons manager” and it can be found in “View/Export” and in its relevant buttonbar.


Button bar

The available tools are:





Export View to server configuration

Export View to server configuration (mapfile, MapServer).

Upload to the server

Upload the resource to the server

75.2. Export View to Mapfile

The interface is:

75.3. Manual edition of specific attributes

Sometimes, it can be interesting to define the parameters more precisely and adjust the specifications to the ones that Mapserver offers. For that reason, some mechanisms have been created to be able to complete these characteristics through some forms.

There are two access points:

There are similar ways to define the services of TinyOWS, MapProxy and MapCache.

75.4. Upload to server

The publishing extension is able to upload to the server any project generated in local.

Visually, the menu is very similar to the publishing tool, except for the fact that all that refers to the generation of the project have disappeared, because it will not generate the definition of any other service, only it will upload an already existing one. Therefore, we only need to indicate the local project folder which we want to upload to the server and set the connection parameters.

The interface is:

This option will replace in the configuration, the access paths to the local machine for the server ones

From that file and adding the indicated for the ShapePath variable, the rest of the resources accesses will be built.