83.1. Introduction

Users may want to customize their own preferences when working with gvSIG by creating what the application calls a distribution. The plugin “Customize” allows to tailor these distributions.

Click “Tools” on the main menu and then click “Customize” to enable gvSIG customization.


This plugin includes a wide range of capabilities such as:

The “Customize” plugin is available to the users on Linux. Using Linux, it is possible to create gvSIG distributions for all the different operating systems.

83.2. Configuring the distribution

The way to configure the new distribution preferences is to use the “Customize plugin configuration” dialog box.

Click on the main menu “Tools”, and then click “Customize> Customize plugin configuration“ to open the dialog box.

The screen capture below shows the “Customize plugin configuration” dialog box with the tabs to set the specific options.

Here is a brief description for of each tab in this dialog box:

83.3. Create a distribution

When we change the configuration of a new distribution we can then create it, selecting the default options. The way to generate it is to use the “Create distribution” dialog box.

Click “Tools” on the main menu, and then click “Customize>Create distribution” to open this dialog box. See the figure below that shows this dialog box

When creating a distribution, it is recommended to fill the different fields in the following order:

  1. Working Folder. Choose the folder to save the file.

  2. Distribution id. Add a name that identifies the distribution

  3. Online Installer. Add the online installer that will be used to create the distribution. Different installers are available for different gvSIG versions, with additional plugins for both Windows and Linux operating systems. Click on this link to download them: http://downloads.gvsig.org/download/gvsig-desktop/dists/

  4. Package set. Select the file that stores all the plugins. This files’ extension is .gvspks. Click the link specified above to download the available package sets for both Windows and Linux operating systems.