Módulo de geometrías: geom ========================== .. py:function::createGeometry(type[, subtype=D2]) Creates an empty geometry :param int type: Geometry type :param int subtype: Geometry dimension :return: Geometry .. py:function::createPoint(subtype=D2, coords) Creates a point geometry :param int subtype: Geometry dimension :return: org.gvsig.fmap.geom.primitive Point .. py:function::createMultiPoint(subtype=D2, points) Creates an multipoint geometry :param int subtype: Geometry dimension :param points: Points objects :type points: List of Points :return: org.gvsig.fmap.geom.aggregate MultiPoint .. py:function::createLine(subtype=D2, vertexes=None) Creates an empty geometry :param int subtype: Geometry dimension :param vertexes: :type vertexes: List of Points :return: Geometry .. createMultiLine(subtype=D2, lines=None) Creates an empty geometry :param int subtype: Geometry dimension :param lines: :type lines: List of Lines :return: Geometry .. py:function::createPolygon(subtype=D2, vertexes=None) Creates an empty geometry :param int subtype: Geometry dimension :param vertexes: :type vertexes: List of Points :return: Geometry .. py:function::createMultiPolygon(subtype=D2, polygons=None) Creates an empty geometry :param int subtype: Geometry dimension :param polygons: :type polygons: List of Poligons :return: Geometry .. py:function::createEnvelope(pointMin=None, pointMax=None, dimension=2) Creates a Envelope 2D :param Point pointMin: Geometry :param Point pointMax: Geometry :param int dimension: Dimension of the envelope :return: Geometry .. py:function::createGeometryFromWKT(WKT) Creates an empty geometry :param int type: Geometry type :param int subtype: Geometry dimension :return: Geometry Una geometría es un objeto que contiene información geométrica. Estas geometrías tienen un tipo principal: Point, Line, Polygon.. y un subtipo o dimensión: D2, D3, D2M.. Para el Módulo de Scripting hemos creado la librería gvsig.geom que nos ayudará para crear rápidamente las geometrías que necesitemos. Para algunas operaciones más complicadas tendremos que usar la API de gvSIG. Para establecer estos tipos y subtipos lo haremos utilizando las constantes que se incluyen en la librería. Constantes que aparecen en la librería ``gvsig.geom`` para la creación de geometrías:: #GeometryTypes AGGREGATE = Geometry.TYPES.AGGREGATE ARC = Geometry.TYPES.ARC CIRCLE = Geometry.TYPES.CIRCLE CURVE = Geometry.TYPES.CURVE ELLIPSE = Geometry.TYPES.ELLIPSE ELLIPTICARC = Geometry.TYPES.ELLIPTICARC GEOMETRY = Geometry.TYPES.GEOMETRY MULTICURVE = Geometry.TYPES.MULTICURVE MULTIPOINT = Geometry.TYPES.MULTIPOINT MULTISOLID = Geometry.TYPES.MULTISOLID MULTISURFACE = Geometry.TYPES.MULTISURFACE NULL = Geometry.TYPES.NULL POINT = Geometry.TYPES.POINT SOLID = Geometry.TYPES.SOLID SPLINE = Geometry.TYPES.SPLINE SURFACE = Geometry.TYPES.SURFACE # Common named geometry types POLYGON = Geometry.TYPES.SURFACE LINE = Geometry.TYPES.CURVE MULTILINE = Geometry.TYPES.MULTICURVE MULTIPOLYGON = Geometry.TYPES.MULTISURFACE # geometrySubTypes D2 = Geometry.SUBTYPES.GEOM2D D2M = Geometry.SUBTYPES.GEOM2DM D3 = Geometry.SUBTYPES.GEOM3D D3M = Geometry.SUBTYPES.GEOM3DM UNKNOWN = Geometry.SUBTYPES.UNKNOWN # Dimensions DIMENSIONS = Geometry.DIMENSIONS Ejemplo testeando la librería de geom:: import gvsig reload(gvsig) from gvsig import * from gvsig import geom def main(*args): # Create Polygon print "\nCreate Polygon" x = geom.createPolygon() pol_1 = geom.createPolygon(vertexes=[geom.createPoint(geom.D2, 4,5),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,3),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,2),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,4,5)]) print "pol_1: ", pol_1.convertToWKT() pol_2 = geom.createPolygon(vertexes=[geom.createPoint(geom.D2,4,5),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,3),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,2),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,4,5)]) print "pol_2: ", pol_2.convertToWKT() pol_3 = geom.createPolygon(vertexes=[geom.createPoint(geom.D2,4,5),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,3),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,2),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,4,5)]) print "pol_3: ", pol_3.convertToWKT() pol_4 = geom.createPolygon(geom.D2,[(0,0),(10,10),[3,3],[3,6],[0,0]]) print "pol_4: ", pol_4.convertToWKT() # Create MultiPolygon print "\nCreate MultiPolygon" multipolygon1 = geom.createMultiPolygon() multipolygon1.addSurface(pol_1) multipolygon1.addSurface(pol_2) multipolygon1.addSurface(pol_3) print "multipolygon1: ", multipolygon1.convertToWKT() multipolygon2 = geom.createMultiPolygon(polygons=[pol_1, pol_2, pol_3]) print "multipolygon2: ", multipolygon2.convertToWKT() p2 = geom.createPoint(geom.D2,1,2) print "p2:", p2 line2 = geom.createLine(geom.D2, [[10,19],p2,[5,2]]) print line2 print line2.convertToWKT() y = geom.createPoint(geom.D3M,10,1,5,8) z = geom.createPoint(geom.D3,10, 1, 5) print "point y: ", y,type(y) print "point z", z, type(z) print "preparing 3d" x = geom.createLine(geom.D3M,[(10,10,100,8),(1,95,2,8)]) print x.convertToWKT() # Create point print "\nCreate Point" point1 = geom.createPoint(geom.D2,10, 10) point2 = geom.createGeometry(geom.POINT) point2.setX(15) point2.setY(15) print "Point1: ", point1 print "Point2: ", point2 point1 = geom.createPoint(geom.D2,10, 10) # Create line print "\nCreate Line" line1 = geom.createGeometry(geom.LINE) line1.addVertex(geom.createPoint(geom.D2,0,0)) line1.addVertex(geom.createPoint(geom.D2,10,10)) print "Line1: ", line1.convertToWKT() p2 = geom.createPoint(geom.D2,1,2) print " === LINE == " line2 = geom.createLine(geom.D2, [[10,19], point1 ,p2,[5,2]]) print "Line2 object: ", line2 print "Line2: ", line2.convertToWKT() print "1", line2.getVertex(0) print "2", line2.getVertex(1) print "3", line2.getVertex(2) print "4", line2.getVertex(3) # Create polygon print "\nCreate Polygon" g = geom.createGeometry(geom.POLYGON) g.addVertex(geom.createPoint(geom.D2,0,0)) g.addVertex(geom.createPoint(geom.D2,10,10)) g.addVertex(geom.createPoint(geom.D2,10,0)) g.addVertex(geom.createPoint(geom.D2,0, 0)) print "JTS of the Polygon 1: ", g.convertToWKT() g.setVertex(2, geom.createPoint(geom.D2, 15, 15)) print "JTS of the Polygon 1 modified: ", g.convertToWKT() poli_1 = geom.createPolygon(geom.D2, [[0,0],[1,1],[2,3],[3,6],[0,0]]) print "Poli_1", poli_1.convertToWKT() poli_2 = geom.createPolygon(geom.D3, [[0,1,2],[1,1,5],geom.createPoint(geom.D3,2,1,5),[0,1,2]]) print "Poli_2", poli_2 # Create gvSIG geometry from a WKT or WKB print "\nCreate gvSIG geometry from WKT or WKB" wkt = "POLYGON ((0 0, 150 150, 100 0, 0 0))" x = geom.createGeometryFromWKT(wkt) print "Polygon from WKT: ", x print "Type polygon: ", type(x) # Create 3D geometry print "\nCreate 3D Geometry" p3d = geom.createGeometry(geom.POINT, geom.D3) p3d.setX(10) p3d.setY(10) p3d.setZ(100) print "Point 3D: ", p3d, type(p3d) p1_3d = geom.createPoint(geom.D3,1,3,3) print "Point 3D P1: ", p1_3d # Create Multipoint print "\nCreate Multipoint: " multipoint1 = geom.createMultiPoint(points=[geom.createPoint(geom.D2, 10,10), geom.createPoint(geom.D2,5,2), geom.createPoint(geom.D2,8,3)]) print "multipoint1: ", multipoint1.convertToWKT() multipoint1.addPrimitive(geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3, 2)) print "multipoint1 modified: ", multipoint1.convertToWKT() multipoint2 = geom.createMultiPoint() print "multipoint2: ", multipoint2.convertToWKT() multipoint3 = geom.createMultiPoint(geom.D3,[[19,10,8],[3,5,7],[35,5,5]]) print "multipoint3: ", multipoint3.convertToWKT() # Create Polygon print "\nCreate Polygon" x = geom.createPolygon() pol_1 = geom.createPolygon(vertexes=[geom.createPoint(geom.D2,4,5),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,3),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,2),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,4,5)]) print "pol_1: ", pol_1.convertToWKT() pol_2 = geom.createPolygon(vertexes=[geom.createPoint(geom.D2,4,5),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,3),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,2),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,4,5)]) print "pol_2: ", pol_2.convertToWKT() pol_3 = geom.createPolygon(vertexes=[geom.createPoint(geom.D2,4,5),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,3),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,3,2),geom.createPoint(geom.D2,4,5)]) print "pol_3: ", pol_3.convertToWKT() pol_4 = geom.createPolygon(geom.D2,[(0,0),(10,10),[3,3],[3,6],[0,0]]) print "pol_4: ", pol_4.convertToWKT() # Create MultiPolygon print "\nCreate MultiPolygon" multipolygon1 = geom.createMultiPolygon() multipolygon1.addSurface(pol_1) multipolygon1.addSurface(pol_2) multipolygon1.addSurface(pol_3) print "multipolygon1: ", multipolygon1.convertToWKT() multipolygon2 = geom.createMultiPolygon(polygons=[pol_1, pol_2, pol_3]) print "multipolygon2: ", multipolygon2.convertToWKT() multipolygon3 = geom.createMultiPolygon(geom.D2,[[[0,0],[1,1],[2,2],[0,0]],[[2,5],[3,5],[1,2],[2,5]],pol_4]) print "multipolygon3: ", multipolygon3.convertToWKT() # CreateLine print "\nCreate Line" line1 = geom.createLine() line1.addVertex(geom.createPoint2D(1,1)) line1.addVertex(geom.createPoint2D(3,3)) print "line1: ", line1.convertToWKT() line2 = geom.createLine(vertexes=[geom.createPoint2D(0,0), geom.createPoint2D(10,10)]) print "line2: ", line2.convertToWKT() line3 = geom.createLine(geom.D2,[[0,1],[1,5],[5,3]]) print "line3: ", line3.convertToWKT() # Create MultiLine print "\nCreate MultiLine" multiline1 = geom.createMultiLine() multiline1.addCurve(line1) multiline1.addCurve(line2) print "multiline1: ", multiline1.convertToWKT() multiline2 = geom.createMultiLine(lines=[line1, line2], subtype=geom.D2) print "multiline2: ", multiline2.convertToWKT() # Create Envelope envelope = geom.createEnvelope(pointMin=geom.createPoint2D(10,0),pointMax=geom.createPoint2D(10,20)) print "envelope: ", envelope env1 = geom.createEnvelope(point1,[38,29]) print "env1: ", env1,type(env1) # Create from WKT print "\nCreate geometr from WKT" wkt = geom.createGeometryFromWKT("MULTIPOLYGON (((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)), ((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)), ((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)))") print "wkt: ", wkt.convertToWKT() # Create 2D pg = geom.createPoint2D(19,5) print pg lg = geom.createLine2D() print lg mg = geom.createPolygon2D() print mg mg2 = geom.createPolygon2D([[1,5],[4,5],[1,3],[25,2],pg,[1,5]]) print mg2.convertToWKT() x = geom.createPoint2D(1) print x Punto ----- Creando puntos:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): print "\nCreate Point" point1 = createPoint(D3, 10, 10, 5) point2 = createPoint(D2, 15, 7) point3 = createGeometry(POINT) point3.setX(15) point3.setY(15) point4 = createPoint(D3M, 5, 18, 3, 2) print "Point1: ", point1 print "Point2: ", point2 print "Point3: ", point3 print "Point4: ", point4 Consola:: Create Point Point1: POINT Z (10.0 10.0 5.0) Point2: POINT (15.0 7.0) Point3: POINT (15.0 15.0) Point4: POINT ZM (5.0 18.0 3.0 2.0) Creando punto con 3 dimensiones:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): #Create 3D Geometry p3d = createGeometry(POINT, D3) p3d.setX(10) p3d.setY(10) p3d.setZ(100) print p3d.convertToWKT() Consola:: POINT Z (10 10 100) Línea ----- Creando líneas:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): line1 = createGeometry(LINE) line1.addVertex(createPoint(D2,0,0)) line1.addVertex(createPoint(D2,10,10)) print "Line1: ", line1.convertToWKT() Consola:: Line1: LINESTRING (0 0, 10 10) Accediendo a los vértices de la línea:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): line1 = createGeometry(LINE) line1.addVertex(createPoint(D2,0,0)) line1.addVertex(createPoint(D2,10,10)) print "Line1: ", line1.convertToWKT() p1 = createPoint(D2, 3, 01) p2 = createPoint(D2, 1, 2) # List of vertex or coordinates vertx = [[10,19], p1 ,p2,[5,2]] line2 = createLine(D2, vertx) print "\nLine2 object: ", line2 print "Line2: ", line2.convertToWKT() print "1", line2.getVertex(0) print "2", line2.getVertex(1) print "3", line2.getVertex(2) print "4", line2.getVertex(3) Consola:: Line1: LINESTRING (0 0, 10 10) Line2 object: Line:2D Line2: LINESTRING (10 19, 3 1, 1 2, 5 2) 1 POINT (10.0 19.0) 2 POINT (3.0 1.0) 3 POINT (1.0 2.0) 4 POINT (5.0 2.0) Polígono -------- Creando polígonos:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): g = createGeometry(POLYGON, D2) g.addVertex(createPoint(D2,0,0)) g.addVertex(createPoint(D2,10,10)) g.addVertex(createPoint(D2,10,0)) g.addVertex(createPoint(D2,0, 0)) print "WKT Polygon: ", g.convertToWKT() poli_1 = createPolygon(D2, [[0,0],[1,1],[2,3],[3,6],[0,0]]) print "Poli_1", poli_1.convertToWKT() poli_2 = createPolygon(D3, [[0,1,2],[1,1,5],createPoint(D3,2,1,5),[0,1,2]]) print "Poli_2", poli_2.convertToWKT() Consola:: WKT Polygon: POLYGON ((0 0, 10 10, 10 0, 0 0)) Poli_1 POLYGON ((0 0, 1 1, 2 3, 3 6, 0 0)) Poli_2 POLYGON Z ((0 1 2, 1 1 5, 2 1 5, 0 1 2)) Multipunto ---------- Creando multipunto:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): # Create Multipoint multipoint1 = createMultiPoint(D2, [createPoint(D2, 10,10), createPoint(D2,5,2), createPoint(D2,8,3)]) print "multipoint1: ", multipoint1.convertToWKT() multipoint2 = createMultiPoint() print "multipoint2: ", multipoint2.convertToWKT() multipoint3 = createMultiPoint(D3,[[19,10,8],[3,5,7],[35,5,5]]) print "multipoint3: ", multipoint3.convertToWKT() Consola:: multipoint1: MULTIPOINT (10 10, 5 2, 8 3) multipoint2: MULTIPOINT EMPTY multipoint3: MULTIPOINT Z (19 10 8, 3 5 7, 35 5 5) Añadiendo punto a una geometría de tipo multipunto:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): # Create Multipoint multipoint1 = createMultiPoint(D2, [createPoint(D2, 10,10), createPoint(D2,5,2), createPoint(D2,8,3)]) print "multipoint1: ", multipoint1.convertToWKT() multipoint1.addPrimitive(createPoint(D2,3, 2)) print "multipoint1 modified: ", multipoint1.convertToWKT() Consola:: multipoint1: MULTIPOINT (10 10, 5 2, 8 3) multipoint1 modified: MULTIPOINT (10 10, 5 2, 8 3, 3 2) Multilínea ---------- Creando multilíneas:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): # CreateLine print "\nCreate Line" line1 = createLine() line1.addVertex(createPoint2D(1,1)) line1.addVertex(createPoint2D(3,3)) line2 = createLine(vertexes=[createPoint2D(0,0), createPoint2D(10,10)]) line3 = createLine(D2,[[0,1],[1,5],[5,3]]) # Create MultiLine multiline1 = createMultiLine() multiline1.addCurve(line1) multiline1.addCurve(line2) print "multiline1: ", multiline1.convertToWKT() multiline2 = createMultiLine(D2, lines=[line1, line2]) print "multiline2: ", multiline2.convertToWKT() multiline3 = createGeometry(MULTICURVE, D2) multiline3.addCurve(line1) multiline3.addCurve(line3) print "multiline3: ", multiline3.convertToWKT() Consola:: Create Line multiline1: MULTILINESTRING ((1 1, 3 3), (0 0, 10 10)) multiline2: MULTILINESTRING ((1 1, 3 3), (0 0, 10 10)) multiline3: MULTILINESTRING ((1 1, 3 3), (0 1, 1 5, 5 3)) Multipolígono ------------- Creando multipolígonos:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): # Create Polygon x = createPolygon() pol_1 = createPolygon(vertexes=[createPoint(D2,4,5),createPoint(D2,3,3),createPoint(D2,3,2),createPoint(D2,4,5)]) pol_2 = createPolygon(vertexes=[createPoint(D2,4,5),createPoint(D2,3,3),createPoint(D2,3,2),createPoint(D2,4,5)]) pol_3 = createPolygon(vertexes=[createPoint(D2,4,5),createPoint(D2,3,3),createPoint(D2,3,2),createPoint(D2,4,5)]) pol_4 = createPolygon(D2,[(0,0),(10,10),[3,3],[3,6],[0,0]]) # Create MultiPolygon multipolygon1 = createMultiPolygon() multipolygon1.addSurface(pol_1) multipolygon1.addSurface(pol_2) multipolygon1.addSurface(pol_3) print "multipolygon1: ", multipolygon1.convertToWKT() multipolygon2 = createMultiPolygon(polygons=[pol_1, pol_2, pol_3]) #2D as default print "multipolygon2: ", multipolygon2.convertToWKT() multipolygon3 = createMultiPolygon(D2, [[[0,0],[1,1],[2,2],[0,0]], [[2,5],[3,5],[1,2],[2,5]], pol_4]) print "multipolygon3: ", multipolygon3.convertToWKT() multipolygon4 = createMultiPolygon() print "multipolygon4: ", multipolygon4.convertToWKT() Consola:: multipolygon1: MULTIPOLYGON (((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)), ((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)), ((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5))) multipolygon2: MULTIPOLYGON (((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)), ((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)), ((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5))) multipolygon3: MULTIPOLYGON (((0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 0 0)), ((2 5, 3 5, 1 2, 2 5)), ((0 0, 10 10, 3 3, 3 6, 0 0))) multipolygon4: MULTIPOLYGON EMPTY Envelope -------- Crear Envelope del tipo :javadoc:`Envelope2D ` :: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): # Create Envelope envelope = createEnvelope(pointMin=createPoint2D(10,0),pointMax=createPoint2D(10,20)) print "envelope: ", envelope point1 = createPoint(D2, 0, 0) env1 = createEnvelope(point1,[38,29]) print "env1: ", env1 print "env1 type: ", type(env1) Consola:: envelope: POLYGON ((10.0 0.0, 10.0 20.0, 10.0 20.0, 10.0 0.0, 10.0 0.0)) env1: POLYGON ((0.0 0.0, 0.0 29.0, 38.0 29.0, 38.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0)) env1 type: WKT --- Crear geometría desde un WKT:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): # Create from WKT wkt = createGeometryFromWKT("MULTIPOLYGON (((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)), ((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)), ((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)))") print "wkt: ", wkt.convertToWKT() Consola:: wkt: MULTIPOLYGON (((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)), ((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5)), ((4 5, 3 3, 3 2, 4 5))) Operaciones espaciales ---------------------- Puedes consultar todas las operaciones espaciales en el interfaz de geometrías :javadoc:`Geometry ` Distancia entre puntos:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): # Creamos punto2 point1 = createPoint(D2, 0, 0) point2 = createPoint(D2, 10, 10) print "Distance 2D: ", point1.distance(point2) point3 = createPoint(D3, 0, 0, 100) point4 = createPoint(D3, 10, 10, 0) print "Distance 2D: ", point3.distance(point4) Consola:: Distance 2D: 14.1421356237 Distance 2D: 14.1421356237 Moviendo un punto:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): # Creamos punto2 point1 = createPoint(D2, 10, 10) print "Point 1: ", point1.convertToWKT() #Move point point1.move(5, -3) print "Moved point by 5, -3: ", point1.convertToWKT() Consola:: Point 1: POINT (10 10) Moved point by 5, -3: POINT (15 7) Operaciones entre polígonos y líneas:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): # Creamos punto2 point1 = createPoint(D2, 0, 0) buffer1 = point1.buffer(10) line1 = createLine(D2, [[-5, -5],[10, 10]]) print "Intersects?: ", buffer1.intersects(line1) print "Intersection: ", buffer1.intersection(line1).convertToWKT() Consola:: Intersects?: True Intersection: LINESTRING (-5 -5, 7.071067811865473 7.071067811865473) Operaciones espaciales entre polígonos:: from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): # Creamos punto2 point1 = createPoint(D2, 0, 0) # Aplicamos un area de influencia buffer(m) buffer1 = point1.buffer(10) print "Buffer1 Area: ", buffer1.area() # Creamos punto 2 point2 = createPoint(D2, 8, 0) buffer2 = point2.buffer(5) print "Buffer2 Area: ", buffer2.area() # Union buffer12_union = buffer1.union(buffer2) print "Buffer12 Union Area: ", buffer12_union.area() # Differencia buffer12_diff = buffer1.difference(buffer2) print "Buffer12 Difference Area: ", buffer12_diff.area() Consola:: Buffer1 Area: 312.144515226 Buffer2 Area: 78.0361288065 Buffer12 Union Area: 335.886462528 Buffer12 Difference Area: 257.850333721 Creando un polígono, aplicarle un área de influencia, añadirle un anillo interno y agregarlo en una capa nueva:: from gvsig import * from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): pol_1 = createPolygon(D2M, [(0,0),(300,0),(300,300),(0,300),(0,0)]) # Add interior ring pol_1x = createPolygon(D2M, pol_1).buffer(200) pol_1x.addInteriorRing(pol_1) schema = createSchema() schema.append("ID", "STRING", 5) schema.append("GEOMETRY", "GEOMETRY") schema.get('GEOMETRY').setGeometryType(POLYGON, D2M) shape = createShape(schema ,CRS='EPSG:25830') shape.edit() shape.append(ID=1, GEOMETRY=pol_1x) shape.commit() currentView().addLayer(shape) .. figure:: images/geom_poligono_hueco.png :align: center Ejemplo para extraer todos los vértices de una capa de polígonos en forma de multipuntos:: # encoding: utf-8 from gvsig import * from gvsig import geom def main(*args): """ Extraer vertices de poligonos como multipuntos """ layer = currentLayer() features = layer.features() sch = createFeatureType() sch.append("GEOMETRY", "GEOMETRY") sch.get("GEOMETRY").setGeometryType(geom.MULTIPOINT, geom.D2) shp = createShape(sch) for feature in features: gf = feature.geometry() shp.append(GEOMETRY=gf.toPoints()) shp.commit() currentView().addLayer(shp) Resultado: .. figure:: images/geom_vertices.png :align: center Con una pequeña modificación, podemos hacer que añada un punto por cada vértice, recorriendo las geometrías de multipunto y extrayendo uno a uno sus puntos:: # encoding: utf-8 from gvsig import * from gvsig import geom def main(*args): """ Extraer vertices de poligonos como multipuntos """ layer = currentLayer() features = layer.features() sch = createFeatureType() sch.append("GEOMETRY", "GEOMETRY") sch.get("GEOMETRY").setGeometryType(geom.POINT, geom.D2) shp = createShape(sch) for feature in features: gf = feature.geometry() for p in gf: shp.append(GEOMETRY=p) shp.commit() currentView().addLayer(shp) Otra forma de recorrer los vertices podría ser haciendo uso del método ``getVertex`` y ``getNumVertices``:: # encoding: utf-8 from gvsig import * from gvsig import geom def main(*args): """ Extraer vertices de poligonos como multipuntos """ layer = currentLayer() features = layer.features() for feature in features: gf = feature.geometry() numvertices = gf.getNumVertices() print "Vertices: ", numvertices for i in range(0, numvertices): print gf.getVertex(i) #geometria de tipo punto Dando por consola una salida similar a:: Vertices: 7 POINT (274.17769116287 194.9280163662371) POINT (275.81171697787 166.3325646037371) POINT (248.03327812287003 105.05659654123708) POINT (145.90666468537003 40.5125768487371) POINT (162.24692283537004 128.74997085873707) POINT (207.99964565537007 140.1881515637371) POINT (274.17769116287 194.9280163662371) ... Transformación entre proyecciones --------------------------------- En el siguiente ejemplo vemos como transformar una geometría entre dos proyecciones:: # encoding: utf-8 from gvsig import * from gvsig.geom import * def main(*args): """ Convertir geometria entre proyecciones """ crs1 = getCRS('EPSG:4326') crs2 = getCRS('EPSG:32630') #Get IProjection #view1 = currentProject().getViews()[0].getProjection() #view2 = currentProject().getViews()[1].getProjection() #Get ICoordTrans ICoordTrans1 = crs1.getCT(crs2) point = createPoint2D(-0.375,39.466) #Valencia print "point: ", point point.reProject(ICoordTrans1) print "reprojected: ", point