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Class DefaultComboBoxConfigurableLookUpModel

    • Method Detail

      • getItemsOrder

        public int getItemsOrder()

        Returns the 'itemsOrder' configuration value of this component. Configuration values are:

        • MAINTAIN_POSITION: all items will be shown in the order programmer did.
        • ALPHABETICAL_ORDERED: all items will be shown in alphabetical order.
        • MAINTAIN_AGENT_POSITIONS: all items will be shown in the order the look up agent did.

        'itemsOrder' configuration
      • setItemsOrder

        public void setItemsOrder(int itemsOrder)

        Sets the 'itemsOrder' configuration value for this component. Configuration values are:

        • MAINTAIN_POSITION: all items will be shown in the order programmer did.
        • ALPHABETICAL_ORDERED: all items will be shown in alphabetical order.
        • MAINTAIN_AGENT_POSITIONS: all items will be shown in the order the look up agent did.

        An - integer value for 'itemsOrder' configuration flag
      • isShowAllItemsInListBox

        public boolean isShowAllItemsInListBox()

        Returns the 'showAllItemsInListBox' configuration value of this component. Configuration values are:

        • SHOW_ALL_ITEMS: shows all items in the list box.
        • SHOW_ONLY_MATCHES: shows only the items that match with the text written according the ILookUp agent.

        'showAllItemsInListBox' configuration
      • setShowAllItemsInListBox

        public void setShowAllItemsInListBox(boolean itemsShownInListBox)

        Sets the 'showAllItemsInListBox' configuration value for this component. Configuration values are:

        • SHOW_ALL_ITEMS: shows all items in the list box.
        • SHOW_ONLY_MATCHES: shows only the items that match with the text written according the ILookUp agent.

        A - boolean value for 'showAllItemsInListBox' configuration flag
      • isCaseSensitive

        public boolean isCaseSensitive()

        Returns the 'caseSensitive' configuration value of this component. Configuration values are:

        • CASE_SENSITIVE: discriminates between small letters and capital letters.
        • CASE_INSENSITIVE: doesn't discriminates between small letters and capital letters.

        'caseSensitive' configuration
      • setCaseSensitive

        public void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive)

        Sets the 'caseSensitive' configuration value for this component. Configuration values are:

        • CASE_SENSITIVE: discriminates between small letters and capital letters.
        • CASE_INSENSITIVE: doesn't discriminates between small letters and capital letters.

        A - boolean value for 'caseSensitive' configuration flag
      • initialize

        protected void initialize()

        Initializes some attributes.

      • setDefaultBehaviorFlagsConfiguration

        protected void setDefaultBehaviorFlagsConfiguration()

        Sets the default values of the flags.

      • getData

        public Vector<Object> getData()

        Returns all elements stored in this model, according the order they were added.

        data stored in this model.
      • getDataAccordingItemsOrder

        public Vector<Object> getDataAccordingItemsOrder()

        Gets the data stored in this model according the criterion of the itemsOrder parameter.

        Always returns all items stored.

        data stored in this model according the criterion of the itemsOrder parameter
      • updateVisibleList

        protected void updateVisibleList()

        Updates the list with the results of the look up by the agent, and its configuration.

      • lookUp

        protected List<Object> lookUp()

        Invokes the agent to execute its search on all items alphabetically sort ordered, considering the text written and the case sensitive configuration. The agent will use a


        that includes the locale language rules and the case sensitive in the rule that uses to compare.

      • getLookUpAgent

        public ILookUp getLookUpAgent()

        Gets the agent used with the logic for looking up the items of this model, considering the text written.

        the agent used with the logic for looking up the items of this model
      • setLookUpAgent

        public void setLookUpAgent(ILookUp agent)

        Sets the agent with the logic for looking up the items of this model, considering the text written.

        agent - the agent used with the logic for looking up the items of this model
      • setEventNotificationEnabled

        public void setEventNotificationEnabled(boolean b)

        Sets enabled or disabled the notification of events in this model.

        b - true to enable, false to disable
      • getEventNotificationEnabled

        public boolean getEventNotificationEnabled()

        Gets if the notification of events in this model is enabled.

        true is its enabled; false otherwise