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201307091316-Re: Some API methods [gvSIG] [GSoC 2013]

by Joaquin Jose del Cerro Murciano last modified 2013-07-11 15:54


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From: sandeep kumar <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 16:46:07 +0530
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Subject: Re: Some API methods [gvSIG] [GSoC 2013]
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Hi Sir,

     The attached are some of the methods i thought of. kindly provide some
feedback about their importance to our API and of any mistakes i have made
in defining them.

Thank You,
Sandeep Kumar,
MS by Research,
Lab for Spatial Informatics,

API definition

The following are some of the methods that I think should be part of the API. These methods should make user’s life easy in developing scripts without worrying about the gvsig raster library.

  • Layer = loadRasterLayer(path_to_raster_file)

  • dataMatrix = getDataMatrix(layer)

    My intention about this method is providing the user the raster data just like matlab will make his study easy. And also applying filters will also be easy.

  • dataMatrix = createDataMatrix(width, height [, bandCount ])

    This method will be useful for the user to create his own raster layers with test data. This enables the user to test the working of any data modification method closely.

  • dataMatrix = copyMatrix(Matrix)

  • cellValue = getData(layer, x, y [,bandNumber])

  • modifiedRaster = applyFilter(layer/Matrix, ”filterName” [,maskSize])

    This method should help the user in applying any filter (low pass/highpass etc) on Layer Data/matrix Data.

  • Histogram = getHistogram(layer [, band])

  • outputMatrix = applyLocalOperation(Matrix1, Matrix2,”Operation”)

    I don’t know whether we can use layers as input here. I will check it. Operation can be generally ADD, SUB, MUL etc of individual cells.

  • Output = applyNeighbourOperation(Matrix,”Operation” [,maskSize])

    Here Operation can be MAX, MIN, MEDIAN etc.

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