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gvSIG allows selections to be made using requests (filters). Selecting elements by attributes allows you to define exactly what you want to select, including several attributes, operators and calculations.

Requests can be made using logical operators, such as “equals” “more than” “different from”, etc.

If you press the “Filter” button in the tool bar, a dialogue window will appear to define your request.


1.Fields: Double click on the field you wish to add to your request from the “Fields” list in the layer.

2.Logical operators: These allow you to insert a logical expression into your request by clicking on them.

3.Values: This shows a list with the different values the selected field has. If you wish to add a value to the request, double click on it.

4.Request: This is the window which represents the request to be made. You can write here directly.

5.Selection buttons: These buttons make the request using:

New set (deletes any previous selections).

Add to set (adds the elements selected by the request to the existing elements).

Select from set (makes the request from the selected elements).

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