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4th gvSIG Conference: "Moving forward together"

When 2008-12-01 10:00 to
2008-12-05 16:00
Where Valencia Conference Centre
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by Mario Carrera last modified 2010-06-01 21:06

4th gvSIG Conference

From 1st to 5th December 2008, Valencia will play host to the 4th gvSIG Conference in the Valencia Conference Centre. This event is organized by the Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (CIT). The Open Geospatial Consortium Meeting and the Eclipse Day event will be celebrated at the same time. The objective is to consolidate them as the benchmark forum for open source GIS projects, to create a framework for defining open source and interoperable GIS standards and to create a conference where experiences can be shared among FLOSS communities.

The deadline for submitting communication proposals for the 4th gvSIG Conference is open. To submit a proposal, the abstracts can be sent to The Scientific Committee will evaluate the proposal for its inclusion in the programme. There are two types of communications: presentation and poster.

The communications have to be preferably related to the gvSIG project and the following issues will be also be considered in the evaluation:

  • Innovation.
  • Usefulness for the GIS community.
  • Usefulness for the free open source community.

The rules for the presentation of papers can be consulted in

The deadline for submitting communication proposals is September 22nd.

For further information, visit the 4th gvSIG Conference web page:

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