Versión 1.0.2 (08-05-2007)
- Supported file formats:
- Since this version, it is possible to load DWG files also in versions R12, R13, and R14.
- DWG files:
- In dwg2000 files the loss of blocks no longer occur, and recovers the info of the Layer field.
- Support for external references added.
- New dwg entity types added: Polyface Mesh, Mesh, 3DSolid, 3DFace, etc.
- Internationalization:
- Romanian and Polish languages added to the product's interface.
Version 1.0 (05-12-2006)
New features in gvSIG-1.0 are those in the gvSIG-1.0alpha plus:
- Installation:
- Executing an executable file that automatically installs the JVM, necessary libraries and the application, solving the problems related with the installation of more JVM in the system.
- Scripting:
- An extension has been added that allows scripting by using several programming languages like Jython, Javascript, beanShell or Groovy.
- Project:
- Unified prefenence dialog added
- Networking settings (firewall) now configurable.
- Edition parameters now configurable.
- Loading cml (web map context) files from the command line is now possible, creating a new view from such file.
- Tables:
- Working with Oracle Spatial tables is now possible. Requires install the corresponding drivers.
- Editing mySQL, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB, dbf, etc ... tables is now possible. At the moment only one editing user at the same time is supported.
- Selected rows can be moved onto the top of the table maintaing the order the order among them.
- It is possible to invert a selection.
- Edition:
- The command console can be hide in edition time.
- Symmetry tool added.
- Multipoint layers can be edited and created from scratch.
- Options to start and finish editing have been added to the layer context menu that opens with the right mouse button.
- Geoprocessing:
- Tho new geoprocesses has been added:
- 2D Translation
- Reprojection
- View:
- The view can now be centered in a point by specifying the point's coordinates.
- Copy/Cut and Paste views, even among distinct projects is now possible.
- Copy/Cut and Paste layers within a project and into other projects is now possible.
- The Properties dialog of the vector layers now shows much more information about the data source.
- You can now manually set the scale of visualization introducing it from the keyboard.
- The default reference system for the Views is now customizable.
- Layout:
- Exporting to Postcript is possible.
- You can choose which layers should appear in the legend.
- Supported file formats:
- Importing and exporting GML files.
- ArcIMS client:
- Added support for accessing this kind of servers.
- Locator:
- The coordinate reference system is the same than the one in the view.
- It is possible to choose the coordinate reference system of the added layers, only vector layers, so it is possible to handle cartography coded with distinct reference systems.
- WMS Service:
- If the WMS Server has a legend available for a layer, this legend is now shown in the TOC.
- WFS Service:
- A new tab has been added to the WFS loading dialog to apply filters in searches.
- Internationalization:
- Chinese has been added to the choice list of user interface languages for the application.
Version 1.0 alpha (30-05-2006)
- Edition, many new CAD features have been added:
- Edition of DGN (version 7), DWG2000, DXF and SHP files
- Vector layers can be saved in SHP, PostGIS, and DXF
- Create SHP, PostGis, and DXF layers
- Add, edit and remove points, lines and polygons
- Scale, rotante and move entities
- Copy and paste entities
- Create polygons containing hole(s)
- Split a graphical entity
- Visualize grids during the edition
- Simple selection
- Complex selection, allowing to select elements inside, outside, or intersecting a polygon or circumference
- Snapping
- Console for input commands during the edition
- Create an annotations layer from a vector layer
- Do and undo the operations done in edition time. In addition, there is a command stack containing the operations done done during the edition
- Locator:
- Now supports zooming and panning
- It allows adding the same layers than the view
- Geoprocessing, the following operations about geoprocessing are now supported:
- Area of influence
- Dissolve
- Clip
- Intersection
- Join
- Union
- Difference
- Spatial link
- Convex hull (in a point layer, is the line that envolves all the points)
- Raster:
- Images can now be georeferenced
- Modifiable brightness and contrast of a image
- New user interfaces for the tools:
- Save to raster
- Transparency by range of colour (by pixel)
- Tables:
- Table edition: add columns, add registers...
- Tables can now be printed
- Writting DBF files and Postgres
- Layout:
- Now supports simple tables
- Now supports lines, polylines, and polygons
- Keyboard arrows move selected elements
- Do and undo support added
- Copy, cut, and paste from one layout to other support added
- WMS Service:
- Added support Web Map Context (WMC) files. It is possible to export and import views to and from Web Map Context (.cml) files
- WFS Services:
- A brand new WFS client has been added. It is possible to connect to servers following the OGC's WFS protocol (a new tab in the “Add layer” dialog).
- Layer grouping:
- It is possible to change the visualization order of the grouped layer
- Allows accessing to the table of attributes of the grouped layers
Version 1.0.2 (08-05-2007)
The following problems have been fixed in this release:
- Edition:
- When two layers are in edition, the Pan tool pans one layer over the other one.
- When a layer is being edited, if other non-editing layer is actived the console does not disappear.
- Save to georeferenced raster:
- If the name of the output file ends with the image format extension it throws an error.
- Area and distance measurement:
- Sometimes the area or the total distance is not shown due to the too low screen resolution configured in the desktop.
- Layout:
- A view georeferenced in geographic coordinates and with a scale defined by the user cannot be added.
- Error console pops up when the user tries to pan an empty view in the layout.
- The graphic line is shown in black even if the user changes the color.
- When inserting centered text, the alignment is lost if any of its properties is modified.
- When inserting a legend, if a scale or a north if the view is inserted and the user does not select the associated view the error console pops up.
- If a non-numeric value for the rows or columns field of a table the error console pops up.
- Filter:
- If the syntax of a Select by filter is incorrect the error console pops up.
- Catalog service:
- When loading a WMS layer through a catalog service it does not load it in the same CRS of the view.
- Geoprocess manager:
- The measure units used in the geoprocesses of Influence analysis and 2D Translation are the ones specified for the “Map units” and not the ones specified for the “Measure units”.
- View:
- If a non-numeric value is inserted in the scale of the view the error console pops up.
- Table:
- “Zoom to selection” in the toolbar appears even if the attribute table is active when performing a selection of registers of a table.
- Others:
- Some errors detected in the CRS manager module.
Versión 1.0.1 (04-01-2007)
The following problems have been fixed in this release:
- Map:
- Exporting to PDF a map containing a view with WFS layers fails with error.
- When inserting in a map a legend with an invisible layer, this shows as visible in the legend.
- When a map containing a view with a point layer is exported to PDF or printed, the error console pops up.
- Edition:
- When a vertex is removed from a polygon during editing, the polygon is no longer selected, preventing the user from editing the other vertices.
- Error generated when editing a grouped layer.
- Start editing with several active layers generates error.
- Annotation layer:
- After editing an annotation layer created from a point layer, when saving the changes the texts disappear. After loading again the original layer, the graphic elements are not displayed.
- WFS Service:
- The feature information is not displayed for this kind of layer.
Version 1.0 (05-12-2006)
The following problems have been fixed in this release:
- Export selection tool:
- It only works with shape elements as source.
- When exporting a selection from a shapefile in Linux the program crashes and the console pops up. The .shp file is created an can be visualized but with errors in its attribute table.
- Map:
- Sometimes the scale associated to a view is not updated when a zoom is applied.
- Opening/Saving projects:
- When opening a Table associated to a Layer, if you delete the View where that Layer is located but the Table is not deleted, an error appears when saving the project. It is necessary to also delete the Table.
- In a recovered project it is only possible to have an open map. The name of the maps can also be source of problems.
- When opening a previously saved project containing united tables and the layer which contains the union has been labelled using any of the fields used to make the union, then an error occurs.
- Labeling:
- "Text height" and "Rotation" options in the Labelling dialog only work when the legend is defined to Unique Symbol.
- Locator:
- When changing the Projection System of a View the reprojection does not apply to those layers added to de locator. The layer reprojection in the locator only works when the View is using the EPSG:23030 coordinate reference system (UTM Projection, Huse 30, Datum ED5050).
- Export to pdf:
- When exporting a Map to PDF the cursor remains in wait mode, even all the tasks have been finished.
- JDBC layers:
- If we do a union between two tables of a JDBC layer, if we select the properties of the layer and we set the legend using one of the fields of the merged table the JDBC layer disappears from the View, but it still in the TOC.
- Save to raster:
- The option "Don't gereference" of the "Save to raster" dialog does not work.
Version 1.0 RC3 (17-11-2006)
The following problems have been fixed in this release:
- WCS Service:
- Opacity control didn’t work for this kind of layer.
- Opening projects:
- When loading a 0.6.1 project saved with an open view, the view remained closed.
Version 1.0 RC2 (11-10-2006)
The following problems have been fixed in this release:
- Edition:
- Error accessing to 'Edition Properties' of a layer when the layer is in edition time.
- Throws an error when finishing a polyline with the right button from a polygon shape file.
- An exception is thrown when closing the View which any of whose layers is in edition.
- View:
- Previous zoom does not work properly
- The scale combo does not work properly when the view uses geographic reference system.
- In a point layer, it throws an error when a number with decimal is set to the point size.
- WCS Service:
- WCS layers throw error when accessing to 'Raster Properties'
- Locator Service:
- Some positioning errors found with several reference systems.
- Supported data formats:
- It does not export correctly GML files under Linux.
- WFS Service:
- It does not keep colors in a loaded WFS layer.
- Exporting certain WFS layers to PostGIS produces errors.
Version 1.0.2 (08-05-2007)
The known pending problems to fix are the same that were in the previous version 1.0. Following errors have been also detected:
- CRS managing extension:
- In Linux, in case the extension was installed in a path which contains whitespaces it is possible that gvSIG fail starting.
- Tables:
- If the name of a field contains non-ASCII characters and the table is ordered by such field, the error console pops up.
- Raster files:
- Sometimes the error console has pop up when opening a JPG file if the view contains SHP files.
Version 1.0 (05-12-2006)
- jpeg2000 files:
- When opening jpeg2000 files in windows 98, the program exits.
- dwg Files:
- Some graphical entities topologies can't be loaded (see FAQ section).
- If the legend properties are switched to Unique Symbol, then the graphical elements disappear from the view and only text are displayed.
- dgn files:
- The MicroStation element Multi-Line will not be visualized.
- If the legend properties are switched to Unique Symbol, then the graphical elements disappear from the view and only text are displayed.
- dxf files:
- When opening a dxf file containing polygons with filling, those polygons are shown without filling and a vertex is droped, so the polygon is incompletely visualized.
- If the legend properties are switched to Unique Symbol, then the graphical elements disappear from the view and only text are displayed.
- Units of measurement:
- It does not measure properly areas in the views with system of geodesic projection.
- WMS Servers:
- Since TIFF is an uncompressed image format, layers loaded from these servers can produce errors due to their size.
- Layout:
- When modifying the size of an inserted image, this is distorted.
- When zooming to the sheet area some errors can occur such as the program crash or the deletion of a layer in the view.
- In the page setting it is not possible to change the customized size.
- Projections:
- Small displacement errors when changing datum due to the system of reprojection used (GT2 v2.0), it will be solved when we use version 2.1.
- When changing the projection of a view, the existing layers within that view are not reprojected.
- Internationalization:
- Some translations on the GUI strings still pending.
- Printing:
- With dgn and dxf files it may fail when the polygons have assigned a pattern symbol that is not a solid color or transparent (vertical, horizontal, oblique lines, etc), which will slow down printing.
- It is not possible to define correctly a custom size. When selecting landscape page orientation (horizontal) the width parameter is ignored and, if the orientation is set to portrait orientation (vertical) the height parameter is ignored.
- Labeling:
- Layers reprojected to geodesic coords can not be labelled.
- On occassions, refreshment problems when activating and deactivating may appear.
- It does not draw the labels in the side margins of the graphic area.
- Sometimes the otpion “Draw text only” has failed.
- Export to pdf:
- When changing page properties, export to PDF fails recalculating the position of some elements.
- Macintosh:
- PostGIS:
- When adding, removing or deleting fields in a postgis 8.0 or newer version it throws an error to the console.
Version 1.0.2
You can download gvSIG in two installation modes:
- gvSIG + prerequisites (JRE 1.4.2_06, JAI and JAI Image I/O):
- Download and unzip the Windows installation package from the downloads table (in the downloads section).
- Execute the EXE file and follow the instructions.
- The following components will be automatically installed
- Java Virtual Machine
- JAI libraries
- JAI image I/O libraries *
- gvSIG
* These components will be installed only if they are not present in the system or if the version of the installed ones is not compatible with the program requirements
- Only gvSIG:
- Download and unzip the Windows installation package from the downloads table (in the downloads section).
- Execute the EXE file and follow the instructions.
- During the installation you will be required to choose the Java Virtual Machine that you wish to use to run gvSIG. The installation program checks if the prerequisites are correctly installed. If they are not, the installation program asks the user for download and install them (it requires an Internet connection).
- Run the program by doing one of the following:
- From the Desktop shortcut.
- From the Start/Programs menu.
- From the command line:
- Step into the application directory (it is the one choosed at the installation time).
- Type “gvSIG”.
gvSIG language defaults to the system language, if it matches with one of those supported (valencian, spanish, gallego, english, czech, german, basque, french, italian, portuguese, chinese, polish and romanian). Otherwise, english language is used.
There are two ways to change the language:
- From the Window menu, select Preferences then go to General/Language panel and select the language you wish. To apply the changes exit and run again gvSIG.
- From the command-line or the console
- Type “gvSIG [language]”
- The values currently supported by the language variable are:
- es: Spanish
- va: Valencian
- gl: Gallego
- en: English
- cs: Czech
- de: German
- eu: Basque
- fr: French
- it: Italian
- pt: Portuguese
- zh: Chinese
- ro: Romanian
- pl: Polish
To uninstall gvSIG v1.0.2, execute gvSIG Uninstall icon from the Start/Programs Menu.
Version 1.0.1
Installation / uninstallation
gvSIG 1.0.1 is a partial update to be applied over the 1.0 version, so gvSIG 1.0 must be already and correctly installed in the computer.
To install, follow these steps:
- Download the file from the webpage.
- Unzip it.
- Run the file install.exe
The installation will attempt to automatically find the directory where the previous installation is. If it does not, then the directory have to be manually indicated.
Version 1.0
You can download gvSIG in two installation modes:
- gvSIG + prerequisites (JRE 1.4.2_06, JAI and JAI Image I/O):
- Download and unzip the Windows installation package from the downloads table (in the downloads section).
- Execute the EXE file and follow the instructions.
- The following components will be automatically installed
- Java Virtual Machine
- JAI libraries
- JAI image I/O libraries *
- gvSIG
* These components will be installed only if they are not present in the system or if the version of the installed ones is not compatible with the program requirements
- Only gvSIG:
- Download and unzip the Windows installation package from the downloads table (in the downloads section).
- Execute the EXE file and follow the instructions.
- During the installation you will be required to choose the Java Virtual Machine that you wish to use to run gvSIG. The installation program checks if the prerequisites are correctly installed. If they are not, the installation program asks the user for download and install them (it requires an Internet connection).
- Run the program by doing one of the following:
- From the Desktop shortcut.
- From the Start/Programs menu.
- From the command line:
- Step into the application directory (it is the one choosed at the installation time).
- Type “gvSIG”.
gvSIG language defaults to the system language, if it matches with one of those supported (valencian, spanish, gallego, english, czech, german, basque, french, italian, portuguese, chinese, polish and romanian). Otherwise, english language is used.
There are two ways to change the language:
- From the Window menu, select Preferences then go to General/Language panel and select the language you wish. To apply the changes exit and run again gvSIG.
- From the command-line or the console
- Type “gvSIG [language]”
- The values currently supported by the language variable are:
- es: Spanish
- va: Valencian
- gl: Gallego
- en: English
- cs: Czech
- de: German
- eu: Basque
- fr: French
- it: Italian
- pt: Portuguese
- zh: Chinese
- ro: Romanian
- pl: Polish
To uninstall gvSIG v1.0, execute gvSIG Uninstall icon from the Start/Programs Menu.
Version 1.0 alpha
Prerequisites [JVM 1.4.2 (06 or above), JAI (Java Advanced Imaging), JAI Image I/O]
Note: The JAI and JAI Image I/O must be installed into the same Java VM that runs gvSIG. If a new JVM is installed in the system and this JVM is the one used to run gvSIG it will be required to install these libraries into the new JVM (gvSIG is executed on the default JVM in the operating system; to know which JVM is being used, please type “java -version” from the comand line or console).
- Download and unzip the Windows installation package.
- Run the install.bat file and follow the instructions.
- Run the program by doing one of the following:
- From the Desktop shortcut.
- From the Start/Programs menu.
- From the command line:
- Step into the application directory (it is the one choosed at the installation time)
- Type “gvSIG”
gvSIG language defaults to the system language, if it matches with one of those supported (valencian, spanish, gallego, english, czech, german, basque, french, italian and portuguese). Otherwise, english language is used.
There are two ways to change the language:
- From the General tab in the Windows/Config and selecting the desired language. To apply the changes exit and run again gvSIG.
- From the command-line or the console
- Type “gvSIG [language]”
- The values currently supported by the language variable are:
- va: Valencian
- gl: Gallego
- en: English
- cs: Czech
- de: German
- eu: Basque
- fr: French
- it: Italian
- pt: Portuguese
- es: Spanish
To uninstall gvSIG v1.0, execute gvSIG Uninstall icon from the Start/Programs Menu.
Version 1.0.2
You can download gvSIG in two installation modes:
- gvSIG + prerequisites (JRE 1.4.2_06, JAI and JAI Image I/O):
- Download and unzip the Linux installation package from the downloads table (in the downloads section).
- Execute the BIN file and follow the instructions.
- The following components will be automatically installed
- Java Virtual Machine
- JAI libraries
- JAI image I/O libraries *
- gvSIG
* These components will be installed only if they are not present in the system or if the version of the installed ones is not compatible with the program requirements
- Only gvSIG:
- Download and unzip the Linux installation package from the downloads table (in the downloads section).
- Execute the BIN file and follow the instructions.
- During the installation you will be required to choose the Java Virtual Machine that you wish to use to run gvSIG. The installation program checks if the prerequisites are correctly installed. If they are not, the installation program asks the user for download and install them (it requires an Internet connection).
- Run the program by doing one of the following:
- From the Desktop shortcut.
- From the Start/Programs menu.
- From the command line:
- Step into the application directory (it is the one choosed at the installation time).
- Type “./”.
gvSIG language defaults to the system language, if it matches with one of those supported (valencian, spanish, gallego, english, czech, german, basque, french, italian, portuguese, chinese, polish and romanian). Otherwise, english language is used.
There are two ways to change the language:
- From the Window menu, select Preferences then go to General/Language panel and select the language you wish. To apply the changes exit and run again gvSIG.
- From the command-line or the console
- Type “./ [language]”
- The values currently supported by the language variable are:
- es: Spanish
- va: Valencian
- gl: Gallego
- en: English
- cs: Czech
- de: German
- eu: Basque
- fr: French
- it: Italian
- pt: Portuguese
- zh: Chinese
- ro: Romanian
- pl: Polish
To uninstall gvSIG v1.0.2, execute gvSIG Uninstall icon from the Start/Programs Menu.
Version 1.0.1
Installation / uninstallation
gvSIG 1.0.1 is a partial update to be applied over the 1.0 version, so gvSIG 1.0 must be already and correctly installed in the computer.
To install, follow these steps:
- Download the file from the webpage.
- Unzip it.
- Run the file install.bin
The installation will attempt to automatically find the directory where the previous installation is. If it does not, then the directory have to be manually indicated.
Version 1.0
You can download gvSIG in two installation modes:
- gvSIG + prerequisites (JRE 1.4.2_06, JAI and JAI Image I/O):
- Download and unzip the Linux installation package from the downloads table (in the downloads section).
- Execute the BIN file and follow the instructions.
- The following components will be automatically installed
- Java Virtual Machine
- JAI libraries
- JAI image I/O libraries *
- gvSIG
* These components will be installed only if they are not present in the system or if the version of the installed ones is not compatible with the program requirements
- Only gvSIG:
- Download and unzip the Linux installation package from the downloads table (in the downloads section).
- Execute the BIN file and follow the instructions.
- During the installation you will be required to choose the Java Virtual Machine that you wish to use to run gvSIG. The installation program checks if the prerequisites are correctly installed. If they are not, the installation program asks the user for download and install them (it requires an Internet connection).
- Run the program by doing one of the following:
- From the Desktop shortcut.
- From the Start/Programs menu.
- From the command line:
- Step into the application directory (it is the one choosed at the installation time).
- Type “./”.
gvSIG language defaults to the system language, if it matches with one of those supported (valencian, spanish, gallego, english, czech, german, basque, french, italian, portuguese, chinese, polish and romanian). Otherwise, english language is used.
There are two ways to change the language:
- From the Window menu, select Preferences then go to General/Language panel and select the language you wish. To apply the changes exit and run again gvSIG.
- From the command-line or the console
- Type “./ [language]”
- The values currently supported by the language variable are:
- es: Spanish
- va: Valencian
- gl: Gallego
- en: English
- cs: Czech
- de: German
- eu: Basque
- fr: French
- it: Italian
- pt: Portuguese
- zh: Chinese
- ro: Romanian
- pl: Polish
To uninstall gvSIG v1.0, execute gvSIG Uninstall icon from the Start/Programs Menu.
Version 1.0 alpha
Prerequisites [JVM 1.4.2 (06 or above), JAI (Java Advanced Imaging), JAI Image I/O]
Note: The JAI and JAI Image I/O must be installed into the same Java VM that runs gvSIG. If a new JVM is installed in the system and this JVM is the one used to run gvSIG it will be required to install these libraries into the new JVM (gvSIG is executed on the default JVM in the operating system; to know which JVM is being used, please type “java -version” from the comand line or console).
- Download and unzip the Linux installation package.
- Run the install.bin file and follow the instructions.
- Run the program by doing one of the following:
- From the Desktop shortcut.
- From the Start/Programs menu.
- From the command line:
- Step into the application directory (it is the one choosed at the installation time)
- Type “./”
gvSIG language defaults to the system language, if it matches with one of those supported (valencian, spanish, gallego, english, czech, german, basque, french, italian and portuguese). Otherwise, english language is used.
There are two ways to change the language:
- From the General tab in the Windows/Config and selecting the desired language. To apply the changes exit and run again gvSIG.
- From the command-line or the console
- Type “./ [language]”
- The values currently supported by the language variable are:
- va: Valencian
- gl: Gallego
- en: English
- cs: Czech
- de: German
- eu: Basque
- fr: French
- it: Italian
- pt: Portuguese
- es: Spanish
To uninstall gvSIG v1.0, execute gvSIG Uninstall icon from the Start/Programs Menu.
Version 1.0.2
gvSIG runs on OS X 10.3 and 10.4 (PowerPC and Intel). GDAL library works fine, but mrSID is still only available for PowerPC. ECW is not available for OS X.
gvSIG prerrequisites are:
- Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)
- Is preinstalled on OS X 10.4. For 10.3, there is a downloadable installer in Apple's website. gvSIG will detect the availability of JAI, and offer taking you to the installer webpage or installing the basic files itself.
- JAI Image I/O
- There is no official installer for OS X. A common partial workaround is installing the pure java part of it; gvSIG will offer doing so.
Version 1.0.1
Installation / uninstallation
gvSIG 1.0.1 is a partial update to be applied over the 1.0 version, so gvSIG 1.0 must be already and correctly installed in the computer.
To install, follow these steps:
- Download the file from the webpage and open it.
- Execute the 'Actualizador gvSIG 1.0.1' file of the Desktop.
The installation will attempt to automatically find the directory where the previous installation is. If it does not, then the directory have to be manually indicated.
Version 1.0
gvSIG runs on OS X 10.3 and 10.4 (PowerPC and Intel). GDAL library works fine, but mrSID is still only available for PowerPC. ECW is not available for OS X.
gvSIG prerrequisites are:
- Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)
- Is preinstalled on OS X 10.4. For 10.3, there is a downloadable installer in Apple's website. gvSIG will detect the availability of JAI, and offer taking you to the installer webpage or installing the basic files itself.
- JAI Image I/O
- There is no official installer for OS X. A common partial workaround is installing the pure java part of it; gvSIG will offer doing so.
Obligatory requirements
These requirements must be installed in order to execute the application.
- Virtual java machine 1.4.2 (06 or higher)
- JAI (Java Advanced Imaging): Install it in the same virtual machine with which you will run the program
- JAI Image I/O: Install it in the same virtual machine with which you will run the program
Specific requirements
These requirements must be installed in order to execute certain features.
To install Oracle drivers, please follow the steps bellow:
- Go to Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( drivers.
Accept the license terms.
In the next page, download the file ojdbc14.jar (1,536,979 bytes) - classes for use with JDK 1.4 and 1.5. (Registration required)
Move this file to the next folder:
- Windows:
- Move the file to the bin\gvSIG\extensiones\com.iver.cit.gvsig\lib folder, that is in the directory where gvSIG is installed.
- Linux:
- Move the file to the bin/gvSIG/extensiones/com.iver.cit.gvsig/lib folder, that is in the directory where gvSIG is installed.
Pentium III / 256 MB RAM |
Advisable: |
Pentium IV / 512 MB RAM |
Operating systems: |
Windows - Linux
(Tested in Win98/XP and Linux Suse 8.2/9.0) |
The pilot application awarded the development contract for the gvSIG Network Analysis extension by the Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. It includes the calculation of a minimum path across two or more locations, allowing the insertion of intermediate stops. To do so, it generates the network topology or loads a previously calculated one. In addition, the pilot includes the use of point density legends for polygon layers.
The following organizations have participated in the network pilot extension for gvSIG:
- Sponsor:
- Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of Valencia (Spain)
- Developer:
- IVER Tecnologías de la Información
The network pilot extension must be installed on the gvSIG version it was developed, which is indicated in the download table of the extension. This version of gvSIG must be correctly installed in the PC.
The installation steps are:
- Download the file from the web appropiate to the operating system and execute it.
If the installation process doesn’t automatically find the folder where the correct version of the gvSIG application is installed, it has to be manually indicated. For instance, in the case of a network pilot extension for gvSIG 1.0.2 in Windows XP, the folder could be C:\Program Files\gvSIG 1.0.2.
geoBD extension for gvSIG now available. It enables access to spatial databases, modifying the old interface to access them. It also provides a new Oracle Locator connector to the already existing spatial database connectors (PostGIS -in reading and writing mode-, and MySQL and HSQLDB -only in reading mode-). It allows the user to access any table in an Oracle database (since Oracle 9i) containing an SDO_GEOMETRY column type.
Access to spatial databases generated with Esri ArcSDE (with SDO storage model) and Intergraph Geomedia Pro has also been tested.
- Sponsor:
- Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Generalitat (Autonomous Region of Valencia)
- I.T and Communications Agency. Autonomous Region of Madrid
- Developer:
- IVER T.I. S.A.
- Prodevelop S.L.
- Collaborator:
- Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir
- School of Topography, Geodesy and Cartography. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
- Galician Goverment (Territorial Information System of Galicia)
The geoBD extension must be installed on the gvSIG version it was developed, which is indicated in the download table of the extension. This version of gvSIG must be correctly installed in the PC.
The installation steps are:
- Download the file from the web.
- Uncompress the downloaded file.
- Execute the “install.bat” or “” file depending on whether the OS is Windows or Linux.
If the installation process doesn’t automatically find the folder where the correct version of the gvSIG application is installed, it has to be manually indicated. For instance, in the case of a geoBD extension for gvSIG 1.0.2 in Windows XP, the folder could be C:\Program Files\gvSIG 1.0.2
Oracle drivers installation is required for access to Oracle databases of the geoBD extension. Please follow the steps bellow:
- Go to Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( drivers.
- Accept the license terms.
- In the next page, download the file ojdbc14.jar (1,545,954 bytes) - classes for use with JDK 1.4 and 1.5. (Registration required)
- Move this file to the next folder:
- Windows:
- Move the file to the bin\gvSIG\extensiones\com.iver.cit.gvsig\lib folder, that is in the directory where gvSIG is installed.
- Linux:
- Move the file to the bin/gvSIG/extensiones/com.iver.cit.gvsig/lib folder, that is in the directory where gvSIG is installed.
First delivery of the new CRS (Cordinate Reference System) module with features a CRS database engine that allows the use of the complete EPSG, IAU2000, and others, transformation of 3 and 7 parameters and also the grid based ones. In general it provides maximun precision when performing of CRS changes.
The following organizations have participated in the CRS (Cordinate Reference System) extension for gvSIG:
- Sponsor:
- Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Generalitat (Autonomous Region of Valencia)
- Developer:
- Instituto de Desarrollo Regional – Universidad Castilla La Mancha
BN5 (08-05-2007)
The following problems have been fixed in this release:
- When restoring a saved project containing a reprojected layer in which a manual transformation has been applied, the applied transformation is the one predefined in gvSIG instead of the one defined by the user.
- In Linux, in case the extension was installed in a path which contains whitespaces it is possible that gvSIG fail starting.
The CRS (Cordinate Reference System) extension must be installed on the gvSIG version it was developed, which is indicated in the download table of the extension. This version of gvSIG must be correctly installed in the PC.
The installation steps are:
- Download the file from the web appropiate to the operating system and execute it.
If the installation process doesn’t automatically find the folder where the correct version of the gvSIG application is installed, it has to be manually indicated. For instance, in the case of a CRS (Cordinate Reference System) extension for gvSIG 1.0.x in Windows XP, the folder could be C:\Program Files\gvSIG 1.0.x
The pilot application winner of the raster tender offered by the Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transports. It can open new image formats and apply color palettes to a DTM, compute histograms, cut out raster layers. In addition, it comes with some new visualization filters. The pilot can be installed as a new extension over the current version of gvSIG.
The following organizations have participated in the raster pilot extension for gvSIG:
- Sponsor:
- Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of Valencia (Spain)
- Developer:
BN5 (08-05-2007)
The following problems have been fixed in this release:
- When clipping an image, the clipping is not loaded in the view.
- Problems on opening Grass format files.
The raster pilot extension must be installed on the gvSIG version it was developed, which is indicated in the download table of the extension. This version of gvSIG must be correctly installed in the PC.
The installation steps are:
- Download the file from the web appropiate to the operating system and execute it.
If the installation process doesn’t automatically find the folder where the correct version of the gvSIG application is installed, it has to be manually indicated. For instance, in the case of a raster pilot extension for gvSIG 1.0.1 in Windows XP, the folder could be C:\Program Files\gvSIG 1.0.1.
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