Class | Description |
CreateNewAttributePanel |
To create new FeatureAttributeDescriptor from the interface.
CSVSeparatorOptionsPanel |
Class to create csv file at disk with the statistics group generated from a
table with an Specifically separator
Basic separator "," -> csv basic file
Excel separator ";" -> csv file to work in gvSIG documents
Optionally separator -> the user can enter a character or a string
FeatureTableDocumentPanel |
Feature table visualization panel.
FeatureTypeEditingPanel | Deprecated
use DataSwingManager.createFeatureTypePanel
GeneralTablePropertiesPage | |
GeneralTablePropertiesPageFactory | |
GeneralTablePropertiesPageLayout | |
Statistics | |
TableProperties |
Dialogo donde se muestran las propiedades de una vista
TableWizardStep |
Table document UI components