Process to create a mask using a threshold. This threshold could be a value
of a pixel or a fixed value.
Possible use cases:
- Fixed-oplayer: A input layer, an operator layer and a fixed value if the condition is satisfied.
If the condition is not satisfied the value is set to NoData
- Fixed-threshold: A input layer, a threshold and a fixed value if the condition is satisfied.
If the condition is not satisfied the value is set to NoData
- Replicate-oplayer: A input layer, an operator layer and a output layer. If the condition is satisfied.
the result layer replicates the output bands. If the condition is not satisfied the values is set to NoData
- Replicate-threshold: A input layer, a threshold layer and a output layer. If the condition is satisfied.
the result layer replicates the output bands. If the condition is not satisfied the values is set to NoData
- Transparent-oplayer: A input layer, an operator layer and a RGB output layer. If the condition is satisfied
the layer result replicates the output RGB with transparency values. If the condition is not satisfied
the layer result only replicates the output RGB.
- Transparent-threshold: A input layer, a threshold and a RGB output layer. If the condition is satisfied
the layer result replicates the output RGB with transparency values. If the condition is not satisfied
the layer result only replicates the output RGB.
- Opacity-oplayer: A input layer, an operator layer, a RGB output layer. If the condition is satisfied
the layer result replicates the output layer values and if not this pixels are set to transparent
- Opacity-threshold: A input layer, an operator layer, a threshold. If the condition is satisfied
the layer result replicates the output layer values and if not this pixels are set to transparent
band1 | band2 | threshold | output |
-1 | -1 | - | el número de bandas de la capa de operación debe
ser mayor o igual a la de entrada. Compara la banda
i de la capa de entrada con la banda i de la de operación |
-1 | 0 | - | Compara todas las bandas de la capa de entrada con la
banda cero de la capa de operación |
-1 | - | value | Compara todas las bandas de la capa de entrada con el valor
de threshold |
0 | -1 | - | Caso no permitido |
0 | - | value | Compara la banda cero de la capa de entrada con el valor
de threshold |
Input parameters
- RASTER_STORE1:(Store method) Input store.
- RASTER_STORE2:(Store method) Operation store. If this parameter is null then THRESHOLD is mandatory
- RASTER_STORE3:(Store method) Output store. If this parameter is null then FIXED_VALUE is mandatory
- RASTER_BUFFER1:(Buffer method) Input buffer
- RASTER_BUFFER2:(Buffer method) Operation buffer. If this parameter is null then THRESHOLD is mandatory
- RASTER_BUFFER3:(Buffer method) Output buffer. If this parameter is null then FIXED_VALUE is mandatory
- BAND1: RASTER_STORE1 band. Band to compare with the threshold or operation band. If BAND1 is lesser than 0 then all
bands will be compared. If BAND1 is lesser than zero and BAND2 is lesser than zero then the store
- BAND2: RASTER_STORE2 band. Band to compare with the input store band
- BAND3: RASTER:STORE3 band. Band to put in the output when the method is "layer bands selecteds"
- THRESHOLD: Threshold to compare with the input data
- FIXED_VALUE: Value to put in the output when the method is "Fixed Value" or "NoData"
- OPERATION: Operation. Index in list MASK_OPERATIONS
- SATISFY_METHOD: Output method. Index in list OUTPUT_METHODS
Possible output parameters