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by Victor Acevedo last modified 2012-09-18 21:08
Available downloads for gvSIG project 

**Official downloads:**

* gvSIG Desktop: 
     * `gvSIG Desktop official versions`_
     * `Development versions`_
     * `Other distributions`_
* gvSIG Mobile: 
     * `gvSIG Mobile official versions`_

**Unofficial downloads:**

* `Extensions repository`_

.. _`gvSIG Desktop official versions`: /projects/gvsig-desktop/official
.. _`Development versions`: /projects/gvsig-desktop/deveinfo
.. _`Other distributions`: /projects/gvsig-desktop/otras-distribuciones
.. _`gvSIG Mobile official versions`: /projects/gvsig-mobile/official
.. _`Extensions repository`: /plugins/downloads

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