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This group of community emerges as a result of the work done mainly by universities UOC, UMH UPV on final projects during 2010. This new stage focuses on expanding this working group, promoting the participation of universities and tertiary training institutions in different countries and different areas (not only computer sciences, but also geomatics, town planning, etc..) having interest to undertake student's work related to gvSIG products (Desktop, Mobile, Mini or multiple extensions).


  • Work on the development of final projects, dissertations for masters, doctoral theses, or any other task that requires an idea, a student and a tutor.
  • Provide ideas / proposals for carrying them out as final projects. In addition to the ideas there will be needed to provide more information in order to properly size up the work to be done. These proposals may be used by tutors and students, because their access would be public.
  • Maintain good communication between the different participants in order to facilitate synergies between them on issues related to the development of these projects. In this sense, it'll be promoted the use of a mailing list for this group own community.
  • To provide tutors who are willing to follow the work of students, being categorized by institutions.
  • Facilitate methodologies for the development of the projects being aligned, as much as possible, to the methodologies proposed by Open Source Software, and in particular used by gvSIG.
  • Provide the necessary infrastructure to students (using Osor platform, understanding infrastructure as where to upload versions of documents, source code, trackers, mailing lists, etc..) to be used in developing the project.
  • Provide, for tutors and students, an environment where monitoring projects. This environment could be a website where the student may be counting their progress and problems, seeking the answer to their tutor(s).
  • Provide a space in which to view the documentation and results of projects that came to fruition.
  • Coordinate proposals to the present at the GSC or other similar events.

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