There are several aspects of gvSIG that we have not seen and they fall outside the framework of this manual. For example, we could talk about at length of these topics:
7.1.- About editing.
7.2.- OGC services
7.3.- Projections
7.4.- Raster
7.5.- Geoprocesses
7.6.- Sextante, 3D, Networks....
These topics are left open and pending for future versions of this manual, with the strong desire that new contributors will join and offer their knowledge in those areas, since I am not the most indicated person to do so in many of the topics.
So this way, let us consider this document as the seed we all can help grow.
The official documentation of the project can be consulted in the developers documentation list, and for anything else, there is always possibility of consulting the developers list
This is it! Happy coding and good luck with the commits ;-)