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by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2010-06-01 22:52

In this chapter we will see how the gvSIG application is organized internally. We will start with the main body (appgvSIG) and we will see how its functionality has been extended based on extensions.

In fact, appgvSIG is in itself another of Andami's plugging, containing the extensions that defines the basic functionalities of gvSIG.

gvSIG is internally organized similarly as it is organized externally. That is, there are classes controlling the gvSIG project and the project is composed at the same time by various types of documents (Views, Maps, and Tables) although they can be extended by other types of documents.

The packages are organized according to this structure:

NOTE: The structure could seem somehow arbitrary (in fact, it is :-(). But it is the one available, and we will try to describe a little the packages. In the future they shall be re-organized.

  • The classes implementing IExtension are in the root package: com.iver.cit.gvsig. This is something that has been followed by the developers and it seems to be a sound practice. This way it is easier to find which are the entry points for the options in the menus, buttons, etc.
  • The package com.iver.cig.gvsig.project is a good entry point to get acquainted with gvSIG. In theory, gvSIG follows a structure which is influenced by the organization by documents within a project. The most important classes here are and The first one represents the gvSIG project and the static method createFromXML() is the entry point to see how to read a .gvp file (gvSIG project). The contrary step, create a .gvp file is done with the writeProject method of the ProjectExtension extension and it calls the getXMLEntity() method from the Project class.
  • Within the project package is the com.iver.cit.gvsig.project.documents package. We will find there the ProjectDocument and ProjectDocumentFactory classes. The first one is the class from which the rest of the documents inherit (can be selected and use the F4 key). The second is the one responsible for creating the documents and manage the potential documents that in the future could expand the model of objects, for example with 3D views.

In the rest of the packages we will find the classes related with the layout, view and table. Within contextMenu the context menus and in the other packages some exceptions and the user interface classes to add layers (GUI)

The rest of the packages do not follow a set logic or at least it is not apparent. Surely they will be reorganized in the future. However, in case you ever need to look for code, it is possible you could be interested to look at com.iver.cit.gvsig.gui.layout. Within this you will find the Layout class, responsible for the maps prepared for printing and the classes within the fframes package, were you could see all that can be added to a layout (views, legends, north arrows, text, graphics, scale, etc). This area is waiting for a rebuild that will allow for easy expansions from external plugging’s.

An interesting class to begin to explore when you are working at this project level is the com.iver.cit.gvsig.ProjectExtension class. This is the entry point to the operations of creating a new project, loading an existing one, save it, etc.

Once introduced (although briefly and superficially) the packages structure, let us take a closer look at the principal parts of gvSIG. Or at least those you would work most likely.

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