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Nowadays, the PhoneMe Advanced project is the new Sun JVM for mobile devices in developing process. This JVM is developed by Hinkmond Wong y Davy Preuveneers. In the gvSIG Mobile project, it have been working closer with Davy Preuveneers, who develop the JVM CDC with Personal Profile.

Unlike of J9, the IBM JVM, PhoneMe has GPL license and it's free distributed. This new JVM, can be installed separately from gvSIG Mobile, although it's distributed one gvSIG Mobile installer which includes the PhoneMe virtual machine.

The separately installation option, allows update the JVM as new versions are coming out, without having to uninstall gvSIG Mobile.

On the other hand, the gvSIG Mobile with the included PhoneMe JVM installation, guarantees the installation of the JVM version tested by the gvSIG Mobile developers.

The gvSIG Mobile aplication uses PhoneMe CDC with Personal Profile, it's possible uses this JVM on PDA's and SmartPhones with Windows Mobile Operating Systems (henceforth OS).


  • The gvSIG Mobile compatibility with the several Windows Mobile (henceforth WM) versions starts from WM 5.
  • For WM 6 versions the correct software working depends on the JVM developing for the SO to a great extent.
  • The SO WM CE and WM 2003 versions, now older and limited, have some unavailable capabilities, some others couldn't be 100% correct performance, so it isn't assured, the compatibility to these SO.
  • New compatibilities with another SO will be added, like Android from Google compatibility for instance, and also more limited versions for CLDC in common mobile devices.

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