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The gvSIG Association signs agreements of collaboration with six companies from Spain, Germany and Argentina

by Victor Acevedo last modified 2010-06-01 21:07

On friday 4th of December, during the 5th gvSIG International Conference that was hold in Valencia (Spain), they were officially signed agreements of collaboration beetween the gvSIG Association and six GIS sector companies, which goals are to spread the use of gvSIG and other geomatic software and to boost the software industry, specially for the small and the medium-sized enterprises, under the premises of collaboration and the shared knowledge.

The spanish companies Dielmo 3D, DiSiD Technologies, Enxenio and add to the gvSIG Association their high specialization in fields like LiDAR technology and Digital Terrain Models, JAVA technologies and distributed architectures or municipal management.

CSGIS is the first european and non-spanish company that signs an agreement of collaboration with the gvSIG Association. Located in Germany, is the gvSIG point of reference in the german-speakers countries and they were who organizated, the last year, the 1st gvSIG german-speakers users conference.

Geoopensource becomes the first latin-american collaborator of the gvSIG Association. Located in Argentina, it was the promoter of the 1st latin-american and caribbean gvSIG Conference, that was holded in the last October with attendants of fourteen countries. Geoopensource, together with Creativa, member of the Association, make up the latin-american division of the project.

In the collaboration agreement signing participated, representing the gvSIG Association, the General Manager Álvaro Anguix and the Business Development Responsible Amelia del Rey, and representatives of the companies.

Álvaro Anguix pointed that the gvSIG project had reached a dimension that required an organization that ensures its sustainability from the generation of richness, applying now to the organization area the project principles that were applied from the beginnig to the technical area. He also pointed that this is an open organization and that these agreements are the first step of a path to be covered to belong to the Association as a full member.

The signing of this agreements means a new milestone for the gvSIG project within a new age represented by the gvSIG Association under the slogan: new ideas for a new model.

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