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Translation management extension is now available in gvSIG 1.1.2

When 2009-04-07
from 17:57 to 17:57
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by Mario Carrera last modified 2010-06-01 21:07

The extension to easily manage the user interface over a gvSIG installation, allowing for the translation to new languages without having to install a new version of gvSIG is now available. It also allows updating or to complete languages already installed, and facilitates the translation to new languages using some of the ones already installed as a reference by exporting the necessary files, as well as the uninstalling of a language translation.

It is available in the Extensions section of the web page (

New languages are included too, as well as updates of some languages already included in gvSIG, to be loaded with this extension in gvSIG 1.1.2:

  • New languages: Russian, Greek, Serbian, Swahili.
  • Updated languages: German, Czech, Basque, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian.

Languages can be downloaded from, where is the explanation about how to load them in gvSIG too.

Advice: To install this extension you must have correctly installed gvSIG 1.1.2 version.

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