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OSG Virtual Planets 2.1.5

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A brief summary of the osgvp features are: * Written in C++ with wrappers and utilities in Java using JNI. * Wrappers the most useful classes of OSG to Java. * Easy integration with Swing/AWT/SWT through a viewer library that makes use of JOGL and osgViewer libraries. * Allow the creation of planets and terrains with dynamic pagination without creating previously the database. * Supports dynamic management of raster layers per planet. * Supports the creation and management of GIS features(3D Text, Pixel and Meter Points, PolyLines and Tesselated Polygons, extrusion and shapes). * Extends the osgManipulator library making it simpler to use and adding new features, such group/ungroup. * Gives a complete set of examples for help in the development and testing. * Developed around a set of unit tests to validate the functionality. * Gives a set of Eclipse Plugins based on the library. Geoviewer and a OSG 3D Editor.

For additional information about this project, please visit the project page.

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by Victor Acevedo last modified 2008-12-15 15:19

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