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by Jorge Piera last modified 2012-10-30 13:45

This part of the app module contains the extension code to the integration of the charts library on gvSIG to use them as a new type of document (similar to the view, layout or table documents).


Classes description:

  • ChartExtension: Establish a connection point between the extension and gvSIG
  • ChartDocumentManager: It has the methods and mechanisms to create and manipulate the documents of the extension (ChartDocuments)
  • ChartDocument: It's a document that contains the main service (a GroupedCharts) and has the panel where this service is drawn (DefaultChartDocumentPanel).
  • DefaultChartDocumentPanel: It contains the document representation, a ViewChartPanel where the service is drawn.
  • DefaultChartDocumentEditorWindow: This provides the window to edit the document (editing the GroupedCharts of the ChartDocument). It contains the EditorGroupedChartPanel to edit the properties of the ChartDocument service.

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