Help for filling in issues (bug or feature requests) in the gvSIG tracker
There are basically two types of issues: bug (failure) and feature request (new functionality). In this document we will focus on bugs.
When a bug (failure) is detected in gvSIG, once checked that it doesn't exists an issue already opened about the same failure in the tracker [1], it should be opened a new bug issue. To do this we have to select "New issue" and fill in the following fields taking into account the recomendations you will find bellow.
NOTE #1: Issues have some other fields to be filled in only by the project managers. Please fill in only the fields listed bellow.
NOTE #2: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in mandatorily.
Fields to fill in:
For failures (bugs) we will use the default tracker: "gvSIG bugs"
Short description of the ticket explained in only one line. It doesn´t have to contain the version nor the build number of the program. It must allow to identify the problem clearly with the minimum words.
The full description of the bug, as clear as possible. The reporter has to describe the problem or sugestion step by step till the error is encountered. It is important to take into account that this information should allow other people to reproduce the failure.
Area or group of functionalities related with the failure.
gvSIG version*
Version of gvSIG in which the failure was detected. Before open the issue it is recomended to check if the failure happens in the latest gvSIG distribution released.
gvSIG build
Build number of the gvSIG distribution in which the failure was detected. Along the development of a version they are released several distributions. The build number is a code that identifies each of this distributions and it is very important for developers to know it. It will be found in the "About..." window, from the "Help" menu.
Operative System
Chose beetwin Linux, Windows and Mac.
As additional information it can be given words about whatever topic related with the failure. This field is very useful for searching issues.
Has patch
You only have to check it if you want to donate a piece of source code that fixes the failure.
Add-on name
In case the failure has to do with a specific add-on, select it from the list.
Add-on version
Version of the add-on selected in the field "Add-on name".
Add-on build
Build number of the add-on selected in the field "Add-on name" (it can be figured out in the add-ons manager).
It can be attached some files that could help developers to find the failure, for instance: - Log files - Screen shots (jpeg recommended) - Data
If you need to attach more that one file, please zip them.