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by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2012-09-08 01:06

User documentation



This functionality makes it easy to populate a field in a table with consecutive numbers by means of a mathematical function (REC) in the field calculator.


The system requirements are the same as those required for gvSIG 1.10.



Installation Instructions

This extension should be installed on the version of gvSIG for which it has been developed. This is indicated in the Downloads table for the extension. This version must be properly installed on your PC using the following steps:

WINDOWS: Download the EXE file from the Download Site on the web and then run the file. If the installer does not automatically find the directory where the correct version of the application was installed then this must be entered manually. For example, for gvSIG 1.10 on Windows XP the installation directory might be C:/Program Files/gvSIG_1.10

LINUX: Download the BIN file from the Download Site on the web and then run the file. If the installer does not automatically find the directory where the correct version of the application was installed then this must be entered manually. For example, for gvSIG 1.10 on Ubuntu 9.10, the directory might be /home/user/gvSIG_1.10

Instructions for use

Insert consecutive numbers into a field

This new functionality has been introduced to facilitate the task of filling a field in a table with consecutive numbers by means of a mathematical function in the field calculator.

This function is typically used for the "ID" field of a layer's geometries. To access it you need to activate edit mode for the layer and then open the table. Select the field (of type Integer) to which you want to add consecutive numbers and click on the field calculator.


Calculator button

Select the numeric type option and then double-click the "rec" command, as shown in the figure below.


Rec function (consecutive numbering)

Once the process is complete the selected field in the table will be filled with consecutive numbers, starting with the number "0". Finish editing and save changes if desired.


gvSIG extension

Sponsored by:

Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Gesundheit und Umwelt

Bayerstr. 28a, 80335 München



Developed by:

  • IVER Information Technologies

C / Lérida Nº 20

46009 Valencia

Tel: 902 25 25 40 - Fax: 96 316 27 16



  • CSGIS Jose Canalejo & Ruth Schönbuchner GbR

Innere Wiener Str. 32

D - 81667 München



Project sheet

  • Project identifier:

    Project identifier with 14 characters or less, it will only have upper or lower case, numbers and dashes (_ and -)


  • Project title :

    Descriptive name for the project, with 40 characters or less.


  • Project short description

    Brief description of the project with two or three paragraphs, between 100 and 2000 characters.

    It consists of a plugin with new features demanded by the Munich's council to be developed on the program gvSIG (Geographic Information System (GIS)). These features are a compendium of what is needed for certain tasks the council.

    These features are:

    • Expression field: Consecutive numbers.

    It consist to add a new expression field, to create a new column with consecutive numbers starting with 0.

  • License

    GNU General Public License (GPL)

  • Sources

    URL to access the source code SVN/CVS repository


Version 0.1.0


Check list

Deliverable Requirements Comments Status
Project sheet     Rejected
  Project identifier   ---> Done
  Project title   ---> Done
  Short description project   ---> Done
  License   ---> Done
Contacts     Done
  Main contact   ---> Done
  Technical contact   ---> Done
Sources     Done
  Public access to the source code   ---> Done
  Strings in english   ---> Done
Dependency report (description3 , template3)     Done
  Project dependences   ---> Done
  Dependency Tree   ---> Done
  Licenses   ---> Done
  Dependency Repository Locations   ---> Done
README, README_es (description1, template1 )     Done
  README.txt in source code   ---> Done
  Introduction   ---> Done
  Version information   ---> Done
  Build Instructions   ---> Done
  Packaging Instructions   ---> Done
  Internazionalization Notes   ---> Done
  Public access to package tools   ---> Done
User manual     Not recieved
  Introduction   ---> Not recieved
  Requeriments   ---> Not recieved
  Installation   ---> Not recieved
  Instructions for use   ---> Done
  Credits   ---> Not recieved
Test plan     Done
  Test plan   ---> Done
Analysis documentation (description2)     Done
  Introduction   ---> Done
  Context   ---> Done
  Developers overwiew   ---> Done
  Components overview   ---> Done

Status values:

  • Done
  • Being reviewed
  • Rejected
  • Not recieved

Project dependencies

Project Dependencies

The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

Artifact Version Type
andami.jar 1.10.0 jar
com.iver.cit.gvsig.jar 1.10.0 jar
com.iver.gvsig.expressionfield.jar 1.10.0 jar
fmap.jar 1.10.0 jar
iver-utiles.jar 1.10.0 jar
bsf-2.3.0rc1.jar 2.3.0rc1 jar
bsh-2.0b1.jar 2.0b1 jar

The following is a list of runtime dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to run the application:

Artifact Version Type
andami.jar 1.10.0 jar
com.iver.cit.gvsig.jar 1.10.0 jar
com.iver.gvsig.expressionfield.jar 1.10.0 jar
fmap.jar 1.10.0 jar
iver-utiles.jar 1.10.0 jar
bsf-2.3.0rc1.jar 2.3.0rc1 jar
bsh-2.0b1.jar 2.0b1 jar

The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

Artifact Version Type
andami.jar 1.10.0 jar
com.iver.cit.gvsig.jar 1.10.0 jar
com.iver.gvsig.expressionfield.jar 1.10.0 jar
fmap.jar 1.10.0 jar
iver-utiles.jar 1.10.0 jar
bsf-2.3.0rc1.jar 2.3.0rc1 jar
bsh-2.0b1.jar 2.0b1 jar
Dependency Tree
  • bsf-2.3.0rc1.jar
  • bsh-2.0b1.jar
  • GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL):
    • bsf-2.3.0rc1.jar
    • bsh-2.0b1.jar

Developers documentation


We try to incorporate new functionality demanded by the Department of Health and Environment of the City of Munich.

This specific functionality, intended to support the possibility of adding on a previously selected column of the table, the position of each record in it, for this we will need to edit the layer and into the calculator functions and fields which was added with this plugin this new functionality.

This extension of gvSIG is an independent and uses the core to perform its functionality without changing the core code, but they develop and improve it.


To establish an overview of situations where this component from the rest of gvSIG, we need to fill a column of the table with the numeric value of the position which is the feature.

This plugin added to the calculator fields a new feature with which to make the auto-filled row of values, both provided by the plugin code stays in the background image within gvSIG, without going into FMAP as it provides an extension just recorded this new feature on the calculator fields.


Developers overview

It is a new feature that it aims to add a new function calculator numeric fields that returns an integer with the index of the record.

  • Extensions provided by this plugin:
  • ConsecutiveFieldExtension: Extension to record the operator.
  • ConsecutiveNumber: Operator who is returning an integer representing the index of the record.

Componets overview

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