Project identifier:
Project title :
gvSIG Map Sheets
Project short description
This project is a gvSIG Desktop extension that provides a new functionatity consisting in the automatic creation of series of maps covering a certain area of interest. It is intended for gvSIG 1.12 and gvSIG 2.0. gvSIG is a Geographic Information System (GIS), that is, a desktop application designed for capturing, storing, handling, analyzing and deploying any kind of referenced geographic information in order to solve management and planning complex problems.
url: https://devel.gvsig.org/redmine/projects/mapsheets/repository/show/trunk
The gvSIG Map Sheets project was originally funded by the Deputación de Pontevedra in association with Dirección Xeral de Sostibilidade e Paisaxe de la Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Transporte e Infraestruturas de la Xunta de Galicia. The gvSIG Association later ported it to gvSIG 2.0.