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NetCDF (raster format) extension for gvSIG Desktop

von Grupo gvSIGZuletzt verändert: 08.09.2012 00:59

The NetCDF extension gives the capability of adding NetCDF files with raster components. NetCDF is a scientific format, usually used for mutitemporal data, that can save raster as well as vector data. This extension covers only the raster portion of the feature


The NetCDF extension gives the capability of adding NetCDF files with raster components. NetCDF is a scientific format, usually used for mutitemporal data, that can save raster as well as vector data. This extension covers only the raster portion of the feature.


El responsable del Grupo de Trabajo es Victoria Agazzi (Prodevelop)

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Victoria Agazzi Main contact
Ignacion Brodín Technical contact
Joaquín del Cerro gvSIG development manager
Manuel Madrid gvSIG product manager

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