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Project sheet

por Victor Acevedoúltima modificação 2011-07-25 16:53
  • Project identifier:

    Project identifier with 14 characters or less, it will only have upper or lower case, numbers and dashes (_ and -)


  • Project title :

    Descriptive name for the project, with 40 characters or less.

    Raster extension for gvSIG Desktop.

  • Project short description

    Brief description of the project with two or three paragraphs, between 100 and 2000 characters.

    The raster extension gives the capability of opening lots of raster formats (tif, ecw, jpg, png) as georeferenced layers. It is also useful for applying raster transformations such as georeferencing, geolocalization and a basic feature for raster reprojection. Moreover, the raster extension gives the possibility of creating regions of interest (ROIs), overviews, histograms and also changing the properties of visualization (bands order, filters, etc.) of a raster layer.

  • License

    GPL v2.

  • Sources

    URL to access the source code SVN/CVS repository

    url: https://svn.forge.osor.eu/svn/gvsig-raster

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