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GPS extension for gvSIG

von Victor AcevedoZuletzt verändert: 08.09.2012 00:59


  • Project identifier:

    Project identifier with 14 characters or less, it will only have upper or lower case, numbers and dashes (_ and -)


  • Project title :

    Descriptive name for the project, with 40 characters or less.

    GPS extension for gvSIG

  • Project short description

    Brief description of the project with two or three paragraphs, between 100 and 2000 characters.

    gvSIGPS is a tool to enable the GPS management on gvSIG Desktop. This plugin enables gvSIG Desktop 1.9 to use GPSBabel features.

    This extension is an improvement from Castilla y Leon development for gvSIG 1.1.2 to gvSIG 1.9.

  • License

    GPL v2

  • Sources

    URL to access the source code SVN/CVS repository

    url: not publicly available yet, an OSOR project is to be requested


  • Main contact

    Contact person for non technical issues. It should be the development owner.

  • Technical contact

    Contact person for technical issues related with the development of the project

    • Name : Renato Alonso Villalobos
    • E-mail :
Nombre Correo Perfil
Renato Alonso Villalobos Main contact Technical contact
Joaquín del Cerro gvSIG development manager
Manuel Madrid gvSIG product manager

Los identificadores de los miembros del equipo:


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