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Joaquin Jose del Cerro MurcianoПоследнее изменение: 2012-09-08 00:45

gvSIG extension that allows the management of alphanumeric data in a comfortable way.


  • Project identifier:

    Project identifier with 14 characters or less, it will only have upper or lower case, numbers and dashes (_ and -)


  • Project title :

    Descriptive name for the project, with 40 characters or less.


  • Project short description

    Brief description of the project with two or three paragraphs, between 100 and 2000 characters.

    NavTable is a gvSIG extension that allows the management of alphanumeric data in a comfortable way. Despite of its simplicity it offers several features that give itself a versatile use and it is very helpful for users. The special feature of NavTable is that represents each element in a row, separating the attributes by columns. Besides from its graphical interface it is possible to navigate through the alphanumeric and geographical data by means of buttons. It is also very extending since its central panel can be exchanged with personalized forms in a easy way.

  • License

    GPL version 3

  • Sources

    URL to access the source code SVN/CVS repository

    url: https://svn.forge.osor.eu/svn/navtable

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