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  • Project identifier:

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  • Project title :

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    gvSIG Street Directory extension

  • Project short description

    Brief description of the project with two or three paragraphs, between 100 and 2000 characters.

    Street Directory is a gvSIG Desktop extension that simplifies the task of locating street numbers. Firstly, provide a layer containing street geometry, a layer containing street numbers geometry and the respective street names and street numbers columns. Once this configuration is saved, select a street name and a street number and Street Directory will center and zoom to the point in your gvSIG view at the selected scale. You can also configure Street Directory to work with only a point layer if it has both columns (street names and doorway numbers). Street Directory extension can link your configuration with your gvSIG project, so you don't need to reconfigure it again the next time you open your project. The Street Directory extension has been developed by Geodata Sistemas, a gvSIG association collaborator that provides GIS services and solutions for territorial management administration. Geodata specializes in the analysis, management, and editing of georeferenced data and is engaged in a wide range of open source projects.

  • License

    GPL v3

  • Sources

    URL to access the source code SVN/CVS repository


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