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gvSIG Mobile
gvSIG Mobile

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Known problems

by Mario Carrera last modified 2010-06-01 23:50


Version 0.3 (23-04-10)


To see the known problems of this version, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the bug trac of gvSIG Mobile (registration is needed previously).
  2. Select "Build Query".
  3. Fill in the text box with the name of the query (for example "Bugs v0.3")
  4. Set as unique parameters "State = Open", and "version = 0.3.0".
  5. Save the query with "Save changes" and close the window of the query constructor.
  6. Refresh the page, select the query from the listbox and apply by "Power Query". 


To see the known problems for all versions, go to the bug trac of gvSIG Mobile directly.


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