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Mailing lists usage rules (netiquette)

by Jorge Sanz last modified 2010-06-01 22:52
In Internet and specially at free software communities there are some accepted *good practices* called **netiquette**. There are lots of references about that on the net, but maybe the best one is the classic text from Eric Raymond `How to ask questions the smart way`_ that applies generically to all forums and mailing lists.

.. _How to ask questions the smart way:

Just to summarize, these can be the basic rules:

1) **Before** asking at a mailing list, follow these steps:

   1) Review the `user docs`_: gvSIG is a complex software, and some of their features can not be learned by «test & error». Review the user documentation, it's probably that you will find a solution.
   2) Review the FAQ (`Frequently Asked Questions`_): there are some problems that appear frequently: features not implemented yet, known errors, configuration issues, etc.
   3) Review the mailing list archives: it's pretty common that your problem has been seen on the mailing lists, and the solution can be at the archives well documented. On the `mailing list page`_ you can access the archives, choose wisely the keywords of your problem and search the archives, maybe you'll be lucky!!
   4) If you've searched those information sources and your problem is not documented, as on the users or developers mailing lists.

2) Don ask on both lists at the same time, it's sure your question will fit better in one of them.
3) Please use **text plain** mails, HTML e-mails are harder to read and follow.
4) Write a subject for your mail that shows clearly the problem, for example: «ArcSDE connection at gvSIG 1.1.1» instead of «HELP! my ArcSDE is not working!!»
5) Show what is actually happening at your gvSIG environment instead of what you thin is happening.
6) If you are answering about a problem, add **ALWAYS** your ''gvSIG.log'' file that you'll find at:

   * Windows: ``C:\Document and Settings\user\gvSIG`` 
   * GNU/Linux: ``/home/user/gvSIG``
   * MacOS: ``/Users/user/gvSIG``

7) If you've tried several ways to find out the solution, expose them, they're really useful to get a precise idea what's up.
8) If you've found references to similar problems, include links to the archives, maybe your problem can become a FAQ!!
9) Remember that to unsubscribe yourself you have to visit the mailing list options webpage.

In short the main objective of these rules is that you have to document your problem, and if there is not such reference, to explain clearly your problem in order to get a fast and accurate solution.

.. _user docs: /web/docusr
.. _Frequently Asked Questions:
.. _mailing list page: /web/community/mailing-lists

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