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You are here: Home User documents gvSIG mobile instalation guide La máquina virtual J9

Currently, gvSIG Mobile run correctly on J9 virtual machine developed by IBM. Previous gvSIG Mobile pilot version, which runs only with this virtual machine exclusively, was be able to download the JVM from the IBM web. Unfortunately, the download link isn't available anymore, thought the compatibility with the IBM JVM is maintained, isn't possible shows a installation process to follow in this manual. If you've got an installation of this JVM, you don't need download and install anyone, even if you are thinking about get this IBM JVM, gvSIG Mobile is compatible.

Once JVM IBM J9 is installed on the device, following the next steps to finish the installation of gvSIG Mobile IBM J9 version.

Download from the gvSIG web, if it wasn't done before, in the previous step, the gvSIG installer IBM J9 compatible.

  • gvSIG_Mobile_to_J9.BNxx.Arm.CAB Download it to obtain the right behavior to J9

To conclude the gvSIG Mobile install, follow the Second and Third previous chapter steps.

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