gvSIG Mobile
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Current release: gvSIG Mobile 0.3.0
Released 2009-10-16
Support of EPSG:3003/4 (Monte Mario Gauss-Boaga) SRS, Improvements on GPS dialogs, estimation of heading when GPS doesn't provide it, raw NMEA storage, translation improvements, range values thematic map and several bugfixes.
Experimental releases
There are no experimental releases available at the moment.
Project Description
- Project resources
So far, gvSIG Mobile is a Geographic Information System, as well as a Spatial Data Infrastructures client for mobile devices. Such a client is also the first one licensed under open source.
gvSIG Mobile is known for:
- integrating in the same view bothh local and remote data through OGC standards.
- being open source software, under GNU/GPL license, what allows its free use, distribution, study and improvement.
- being available in several languages (Spanish, English, German, French, ...) .
- being developed using Java, and it's available for platforms supporting Java Micro Edition CDC 1.1. So far, it runs on the following platforms:
- Windows Mobile 5.0
- Windows Mobile 6.0
Typical tools in a mobile GIS client can also be found in gvSIG Mobile:
- Access to vector formats: SHP, GML
- Access to raster formats: ECW, JPEG, PNG, GIF.
- Access to remote services: OGC (WMS)
- Display: zooms, panning,...
- Query: information, area and distance measurement,...
- Selection: alphanumeric search,..
- Layer management: displaying, adding/removal, order, queriable, symbology,...
- GPS: internal/external GPS connection, reprojection to UTM, tracklog, center on view, signal parameters, ...